I thought i would post some material that parallels some of the concepts in this thread. Some of it may be previously stated material, but in
different approaches. I'm cutting and pasting from another not so different thread:
What internal mechanism which is not external provides humans the tools necessary to overcome the disfunctionality of humans' perceptions?
Is it your contention that humanity has no disfunctionality concerning our perception?
Can you prove our minds do not operate in accordance with the "Law of Association"?
Can a person fully integrate consciously new information from thier own experiences if they do not have the capability to attach the new information
to the pre-requisites that must first be accepted as true by the mind of an individual?
In other words: How much will a person fully comprehend "5" as a real and truthful bit of information without any knowledge whatsoever (or denial of
acceptance) of "1", "2", "3", and "4"?
When we begin kindergarden on day one does the teacher begin teaching us algebra, geometry, or Trigonometry?
No. Why? Because we do not have the building blocks necessary for our brain cells' neuro net which enable us to take us mentally from the known (from
our perspective) to the unknown (from our perspective)
This is what the "Law of Association" refers to. We must be able to Associate consciously new information with pre-existing information, or we do
not learn to fully understand the new information.
That is how the brain works to add new information. New information stored in our minds' (conscious minds')must attach itself to pre-existing
information that we accept as factual.
So, if our minds abide by such rules as: We can only fully integrate new information to pre-accepted information, then what is the first few truths
which we started with from our beginning? And do these first accepted truths in our reality serve us best to comprehend our reality, or do they hinder
our progress to understand?
Well, we all begin with the first accepted truth passed on to us through our genetics, and this primary command dominates every cell that comprises us
as the macro-organism.
The first truth is the instinct which exists immediatley after conception, but inherently before as well.
That instinct is "Self PreServe", which broken down means:
Self = Self, aka ME, aka I
Pre = Before
Serve= To Serve, aka AID, aka HELP
So the first accepted truth which exists at the core of our original computer (our brain), and at the core beginning of our personality, and at the
core beginning of our opinions, and at the core beginning of our sense of SELF as an observer, and hence at the core beginning of how we interpret our
very environment, and every experience.
So how does this affect our personality, opinions, observations, memories, experiences, and self?
We judge things in a certain way, often subconsciously, with the tools we are provided.
Think of the symbolism of having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. We are driven by a core program that may be disfunctional, because
it causes us to look at everything in usually only 2 ways, which is not always a way to understand the truth, especially where the truth can not be
found by examining it by only two different ways.
Because of "Self Preservation" and the fear it introduces into our psychi, we tend to ask ourselves two questions in determining our judgment of all
we contemplate.
Question #1: "How can this be used to my advantage / How is this good for me / How can this be utillized to better my existance?" (considering Self
Before Serve, this would be the example of how our minds interpret it to mean self first)aka SELFISHNESS. And, this is symbolically represented as the
devil on one shoulder.
Question #2: "How could this be detrimental to me / What are the negative consequences that could be / How could this hurt me? (This is considering
our FEARS, and our fears of the consequences, taking into account that we must serve our own needs and wants first) And, this is symbolically
represented as the angel on the other shoulder.
1) We accept new information being integrated into our minds by only being able to attach the new infomation to the existing information, but only if
it is compatible.
2) Our first accepted truth only enables us to ask 2 questions when judging everything we experience: How can this benefit me? & What negative
consequences to me exist?
This is how our mind works, and the first truth we have.
So, can you prove we do not operate in accordance with the above information?
Can you disprove the "Law of Association"?
Can you disprove the instinct?
Can you provide proof that an internal mechanism exists that could overide our primary genetic command that prohibits us from even considering the
possibilities that lie beyond "Is it good for me, or bad for me?"
Does such an internal mechanism exist? Would you even know it was there?
I mean, let's face it. On average people are not even consciously aware of 99.99999998% of their own thoughts.
A thought is the sharing of information delivered (usually) electically between brain cells. This process can be (and has been) measured via
electrodes measuring electrical impulses in the brain. What were the results?
Well, what was found is that the conscious part of the mind produces 2,000 sparks of electricity between brain cells per second. Whereas the
subconscious part of the mind produces 400,000,000,000 sparks of electricity per second.
If you drop three zeros off each number and equate your brain to your own personal jet, it is the same as saying that you have your own personal
aircraft capable of a speed of 400,000,000 miles per hour, but most people are only travelling about 2 miles per hour. What is the cause for this? Why
is our mind fractionalized and not fully sharing information?
The state of our conscious mind dictates what information our subconscious mind is permitted to present to it. And, ALL sensory input first gets
delivered to the subconscious part of your mind.
Therefor this information begs us to ask the question "Since my subconscious mind is calculating at a rate of 400,000,000,000 bits of information per
second, but is only relaying 2,000 bits of information per second, why are we not consciously aware of the other 399,999,999,998 bits of information?