posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:21 AM
I came across these links some time ago. Pictures, discussion, curious stuff.
There were some others, I don't know how to find anymore, they may be in these other links you guys have posted.
I still can't accept just how little study has been done of our huge anciently, continuously, populated continant sized nation.
And don't forget there was once a super continent who's break up and shift we can only still guess at. There's even talk of Ancient Hebrew found
carved on rocks in the outback.
The Great Rainbow Serpent being disturbed and rising to, well yucky stuff... alot of it is also like Ancient Sth. American beliefs as well. Dreamtime
legends have alot in common with many others around the world, odd for a peoples cut off for so long and thought to have been here for at around
60,000 yrs.
Some of the cave art doesn't look like Australian critters and in cave art elsewhere in the world, some looks, well kind of like wombats and roos.
Also DNA testing has found feral cats that aren't related to any others, native cats. The aboriginal women have always passed down the songs of how
to run them down and catch them, for food when it was scarce, and found it odd that the white fellas didn't believe, they always knew we always had
cats, because there have always been cats. Greenies hate this bit of natural history.