posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 02:17 AM
You can rip the songs from the cd afterwards with whatever program you use for that purpose (I don´t know iTunes). This is the only way (I think) to
make separate .mp3 files from one big .ape file. You can convert the .wav file to .mp3 without burning the cd, but it will be just one big file. You
will have to tag the mp3´s yourself after you´ve ripped them from the cd as there will be no tags.
Some ripping programs will tag the .mp3 for you as it makes them but you will have to enter some data first (album name, artist, and-so-on).
If you use Winamp then you can tag the .mp3 one by one when you listen to them.
Some programs are just for mp3-tagging and can tag groups of mp3-files in one go.