posted on Sep, 30 2003 @ 08:05 AM
The Sun newspaper yesterday gave Blair a 'yellow card' for the six years that he has wasted whilst in charge. (A yellow card is a football term for
those that don't know. It means that if you screw around once more, you will be sent off the field of play).
The very same Sun newspaper that kissed his ass from the moment he came to power, the same paper that told us that war was good, the same paper that
told us that Iraq was brimming over with WMD, the same newspaper that now seems to have realised that IT was wrong (perish the thought!), and is now
trying to appear as though it represented the people all along. A simple face-saving exercise. They think that they are a powerful Newspaper because
they sell millions of copies a day. But the sun has two things in its favour:
1. Page 3 (anyone who has seen the paper will know what i mean, i mean where else can you get titis for 30p?)
2. it has a great sport section.
the minute percentage of brits who actually take the paper seriously need their heads examining