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German scientists discover plants and forests produce significant amounts of methane

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posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 08:12 PM

Scientists in Germany have discovered that ordinary plants produce significant amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas which helps trap the sun's energy in the atmosphere.

The findings, reported in the journal Nature, have been described as "startling", and may force a rethink of the role played by forests in holding back the pace of global warming.

And the BBC News Website has learned that the research, based on observations in the laboratory, appears to be corroborated by unpublished observations of methane levels in the Brazilian Amazon.

Until now, it had been thought that natural sources of methane were mainly limited to environments where bacteria acted on vegetation in conditions of low oxygen levels, such as in swamps and rice paddies.


Interesting that plants produce more green house gases than first thought. Though something tells me that the tree huggers won't like this news.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by NWguy83
Though something tells me that the tree huggers won't like this news.

Why would anyone like this news?
Cut down a tree, CO2 levels go up. Don’t cut down a tree, methane levels go up. Sounds like either way were screwed

However, keep this in mind

But some experts on climate change science and policy say it is far too early to come to this kind of conclusion.

Dr Halldor Thorgeirsson, deputy executive secretary to the UN Climate Change Secretariat, told the BBC News Website that while the study was interesting, the overall impact of this newly-discovered source of methane was still speculative.

"We need to look at this, but this study does not for example look at measurements of direct methane emissions from forests, and that is what is needed to get a better handle on what forests do for the climate," said Dr Thorgeirsson.

Every one should appreciate trees, not just the so called "tree huggers" They provide us with the wood we need to build our homes. They turn CO2 into the oxygen we require to live. Their roots keep the soil from eroding. Trees are essential for our ecosystem. With out trees we have nothing.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by NWguy83

Scientists in Germany have discovered that ordinary plants produce significant amounts of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas which helps trap the sun's energy in the atmosphere.

The findings, reported in the journal Nature, have been described as "startling", and may force a rethink of the role played by forests in holding back the pace of global warming.

And the BBC News Website has learned that the research, based on observations in the laboratory, appears to be corroborated by unpublished observations of methane levels in the Brazilian Amazon.
Until now, it had been thought that natural sources of methane were mainly limited to environments where bacteria acted on vegetation in conditions of low oxygen levels, such as in swamps and rice paddies.

Interesting that plants produce more green house gases than first thought. Though something tells me that the tree huggers won't like this news.

What they've actually found out is that the higher the temperature, the more methane plants produce. So global warming is leading to, guess what, global warming. It's a bit scary, especially as there have been claims that we've passed the tipping point for the climate - that we can't reverse the process. Unless the Gulf Stream shuts down of course, which might be starting to happen now, and turns the eastern USA and Western Europe into an icicle every winter. I need some wooly socks.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 08:45 AM
"Trees cause more pollution than cars do." Ronald Reagan 1981

I guess Ronald Reagan was right!

I'm sure the tree huggers and the media had a field day after this quote.

[edit on 17-1-2006 by Carseller4]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 08:55 AM
Dr. Von Shliegerheigenhollerkoffer of germany says there forests are our enemy then!? Blitzkreig the forests! they vont know whaut hit them!


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