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Bigfoot in NJ

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posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 08:53 PM
Hi,i am currently researching bigfoot encounters in NJ,especially in south central NJ in the pine barrens ,and i would like to hear from people who have possibly seen or heard one,please posts your stories here.Please be honest,and serious,no jokes.I also am looking for fellow researchers to help with doing investigations.

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 12:34 AM
According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO ), you have 25 sitings in New Jersey. From the county listings at click on any county that is hyperlinked to read any reports from that county. I'm not familiar with New Jersey, but I have looked up sitings in several other states, including Ohio, where I live.
I have no idea how complete the listings are, but it is at least a starting point. Many reports seem to have been investigated by someone at BFRO, so you might get some information from somebody there.

Since New Jersey shares a sizable border with Pennsylvania, you might go to the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society website at Neighboring counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey may have similar sitings. They also have a few LINKS that you might find a bit helpful.

This may not be the First-Person type information you were looking for, but quite possibly you may be able to use something.

Editing to say that I just realized you are new here. WELCOME!

[edit on 11-1-2006 by rawiea]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 12:48 AM
I just found this thread about a personal encounter in New Jersey, written by an ATS Member. Is this the type of thing you are looking for?

Almost attacked by Bigfoot!

The first words are

"3 years ago at about 3am durring the NJ summer..."

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 06:34 AM
Thanks for the reply,i am familiar with those cases and groups.I have set up contacts with other researchers,including NJ,OH,andPA. Now i would like to assemble a team for NJ

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 08:42 AM
Thought there would be more people from NJ here

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 09:14 PM
i guess there is nobody from nj,wow

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by bigfootmorf
i guess there is nobody from nj,wow

Guess again, bud. =P

Anyway, I've not heard of any Bigfoot sightings here in New Jersey. O_o; I thought it was only the Midwest...

Now I'm scared. .-.;

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 08:34 PM
I don't live in NJ but I've gotten very close too it before. I spend all of my vacation time in Delaware, sorry.

Well, the Midwest aren't the only states to have vistiations of Bigfoot. Why for a while I think I had one taking naps in my backyard, out in Indiana. Funny, I never thought about the Pine Barrens being a possible location of Bigfoot, most of the time its caught my attention was when I was researching the New Jersey Devil. I'll try and get you some links and I'd be happy to assist you but I cannot right now. Its pretty late here I must be getting to sleep. Tommorow, then.


posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 10:15 PM
I'm from South Jersey but wasnt aware of any Bigfoot sightings in this state. As mentioned, the Jersey Devil is the local legend around here. At the rate that this state is being built-up, there will soon be very little wooded areas for any of these stories to continue.

Have you ever heard of Weird NJ? It's an interesting site, they also publish a monthly magazine, that explores all types of odd and unique aspects of New Jersey such as UFO and crypto sightings and unexplained phenomena. I havent found any references to bigfoot sightings as of yet.

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 06:32 AM
thanks for the replies,check this site
a partner of mine runs it.He is from North jersey,i am from south central NJ in the pine barrensAs NJ is built up more and more,i think any possible bigfoot creatures will be pushed out in to the open,and sightings may be more frequent,and i believe that they make their way into areas like the pines which is made up of a million acres of hidden woods and swamps.An area called Bass river state park in the pines has had many documented sightings over the years.

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by ProudAmerican
I'm from South Jersey but wasnt aware of any Bigfoot sightings in this state. As mentioned, the Jersey Devil is the local legend around here. At the rate that this state is being built-up, there will soon be very little wooded areas for any of these stories to continue.

Have you ever heard of Weird NJ? It's an interesting site, they also publish a monthly magazine, that explores all types of odd and unique aspects of New Jersey such as UFO and crypto sightings and unexplained phenomena. I havent found any references to bigfoot sightings as of yet.

The Jersey Devil sightings have pretty much stopped in the early 1900's, didn't they? Isn't it pretty much a "dead" cryptid? I mean no one, as far as I know, reports sightings of it anymore.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by bigfootmorf

Hi! Well, I live in Central NJ and I am going to do an expedition in the Great Swamp. Perhaps you would like to join me? I'm 16, and I love cryptozoology. I work with Dr. Jane Goodall, and am a conservationist. I have a website on cryptozoology: My e-mail is [email protected] so please contact me when you can. Thanks!

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:01 AM
I see how old this post is, and I wonder if this will be noticed. I had a strange encounter this past winter in South Jersey, but whatever it was seems to have moved on. I was actually taking a video at the time giving a tour of some woods where my friends and I would hang out when kids. You can see the videos here:

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by weird_travels

I was going to say that it was my Hubby's sister everyone is seeing but, there are no sightings in cumberland county.

I am going to be serious now. Anyway when I lived in south jersey, I thought I saw something that could've been bigfoot.


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