posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 06:19 PM
Could the year 2005 be the start of the of the end according to the Mayan Calander? It is stated through their texts over and over that they expect
the world to come to an end in the year 2012 and that is only a mere seven years away from now. For some reason the number 7 just grabs my attention
and I have no reason why.
The basis of my question comes from the many and unsual forms of calamitys that have befallen not only the U.S. but the other nations of the world.
There are two groups in which to consider:
A. The weather
B. Negitive man made impacts on the Earth.
A. 1. First the weather impacts on the Earth. This past year of 2005, was one of the worst and most costly Hurricane seasons since records have been
kept. Forcasters call for the next season to be even more destructive that '05. This is scarey.
I expect it to degrade even further as time goes on.
A. 2. The unexpected record snow in Japan. It has been reported that some areas have seen as much as 13 ft. The severe rain and flooding that has hit
California and the upper Northwest states of Washington and Oreagon.
A. 3. The fires that are sweeping through the Midwestern states of Tex., Ok. on an scale never before seen and expected to continue.
A. 4. The great Tsuami that took well over 250,000 men,women, and children. Many more are missing and perhaps may never be found.
A. 5. The unusual warm weather the mid-Atlantic states are going through now. Yesterday, it was 65 degrees where I live in Va.
These are just some that stand out at the moment to me. It can also be be stated that perhaps some in this group could be the result of mans actions.
I'll leave that to the imagenation of the reader.
The negitive impacts of man to our Earth:
B. 1. The great glaicers in both the Artic and Antartic are receding at an un presidented pace and large chunks are breaking off and posing hazards to
shipping lanes. I strongly suspect that this is due to all the global warming most politicians say is not happening.
B. 2. The widespread pollution of our major water sources by big business with only there bottom line in consideration.
B. 3. The use of coal and other fossil fuels used to power our homes and business' and the tons of ash and soot they pump into the atmosphere.
Nothing like a big gulp of bad air when you get up.
I think the Mayan peoples knew or had acess to the knowledge from who knows where, what would lead up to the end of the world in 2012. Her the number
7 leaps out at me.They were a highly advanced race who were years beyond in many techinical matters that still baffel us today. Where did they go and
why? Were they beamed up after knowing what was going to happen here on earth in the appointed year or did they just die out over the years? Comments
are welcome.