posted on May, 24 2008 @ 04:05 PM
According to the “prophecies” of Siener van rensburg;
“1960-1994, the South African government loses more and more grip on situations and circumstances because they ‘forgot’ their Lord and God that
gave them the country in the first place.e.g.: daily opening prayer in parliament was abolished in 1972 for the sake of Muslims and Hindus.”
1994 - Mr. van Rensburg correctly prophesied the release of Mr. Mandela, it’s political ties (communism) and the false and violent ‘peace’ that
the man and it’s party ‘preaches’.
1994 until the death of Nelson Mandela: the era in which the Boerevolk (Afrikaners) lose their power in parliament, get persecuted, murdered and
alienated from their origin/roots.
The death of Nelson Mandela to a new and more balanced government: right after the death of Nelson Mandela very big strikes and disobedience occur,
and they followed by a local ( 3 of 7 provinces ) civil war for ground and power (eg: Zimbabwe type of actions). These actions are however short
lived; the revolt is quenched in a border town called Prieska and the people causing the revolt then are scattered. Mr. van Rensburg has prophesied
that weapons will be transported over a railway line to that town; that railway has been completed last year.
Mr. van Rensburg also indicated that the trouble for South Africa will be much shorter lived when compared to other countries also less troublesome,
as the Lord will send His power and blessing causing South Africa to be a safe-haven for Christians from all over the world.
It brings some interesting questions to light ....
1) how many people are starting to feel like an armed uprising is the only way forward.
2) how many people are going to fight for this country instead of running away.
3) will it be a class or race war?