posted on Jan, 10 2006 @ 01:44 AM
I have never really bought into the Reps vs. Dems fight as it has always centered on talking points and low level bickering. Among all this
squabbling, important issues seep through the cracks and things happen on a global level that the general public cannot understand or feels the need
I take Iraq and an example. I have always believed that no matter who was president we would be taking Saddam out of power. Why? Well we put him in
power as we have with other nations with the understanding of “You give us what we want and you have your power while we look the other way.”
Saddam got greedy and started talking back, much like a teenager who is given more power than they had as a kid and now is pushing those boundaries.
I cannot claim to know what he was being difficult about, possibly oil, but he became a problem and wasn’t living up to the aforementioned bargain.
It made sense to put not only a republican in the Whitehouse since the elder Bush (republican of course) had invaded Iraq ten years prior, but more so
to put in a very similar administration comprised of former Bush Sr.’s staff… Hell, why not make it another Bush. This makes it sellable to the
I extrapolate that theory as to Gore’s role regarding the 2000 election. Was it possible that Gore was to follow Clinton in the Whitehouse as
president, and due to some issue with Saddam the “powers that be” felt it best to go another way. Was Saddam, who was brought back on track in
1991, getting off track again and “the powers that be” felt it best to remove him completely? So with the wheels in motion to elect Gore, for
possibly several years at that point plans changed and they tap Bush Jr. to be the face of the next president? Gore was given a face saving parting
prize (by claiming the popular vote and a certain prestige in being considered, by some, the rightful winner) but that same agenda would be carried
out by a more familiar republican façade?
Keep in mind there are no Anti or even Pro Bush overtones here, and that this idea was actually extrapolated as I type. Just the idea to ponder