posted on Jan, 9 2006 @ 03:20 PM
Esoteric Teacher and MagicPriest420 ". . ..Personally. . ." "reinforces my beilief " "In my mind," "True ultimate observer" - All of this is
purely opinion that is not based on any fact. There are no examples at all what so ever. It's ok to have your own opinions about this matter, but
when you do, because no matter how much faith you have, you can't prove anything, and thus to not sound like an ignoramous, it's best to sound
humble. Stating an opinion without any kind of facts is not good discussion behavior, because any intellectuals either for religion or science, would
honestly look at you as if you were a child. Good try though.
"first missionaries of truth" -
This however is quite impossible. The Angels/Elohim/??? can not be missionaries of truth, because Adam and Eve, where it all started, was here on
Earth. That is why God apparently created this planet to begin with. So that Mankind could fill it. You can't send a missionary to the Middle East
speaking about God (leaving Denomination alone on this point), because alot of these things happened in the Middle East.
"This is an assumption based upon an assumption that man created GOD. "
"It seems plausible if they introduced the concept of God to us, that they would also believe in a higher power as well."- OK . . . Assumptions
can't be made and especially from other assumptions without using the word "IF" in the beginning of the sentence, because again you sound
uneducated. Noone Made any assumptions here, just asking what your thoughts were. . . . thoughts mean you have to think. . . . believing is more of a
feeling, because it's not always logical . . . although you're more than welcome to say how you feel, just be prepared to be chewed out when you do
should you sound in the slightest of self righteous. Humbility and opinions are brothers but rarely see eachother.
Also IF they introduced the Concept of God to us . . . then the Bible/Quran is literally a lie. Because it tells us that these events happened here on
earth, no that it was introduced to us by Angel/Elohim/Beings from other planets.
"So, my opinion is " There is plenty of room your existance for the "IDEA" not presence of God, Aliens, and us. . . . on to MagicPriest420
MagicPriest420 - If the Aliens had the power, and they created Adam and Eve, then that makes the Bible/Quran, and atually every other religion except
Buddism, False. And if it's false then does that make them good?
"gods and goddesses were aliens!" Yeah you kinda go against your buddy here on that note.
"i think the term "god" is what divides the believers of aliens with the religous groups" "they dont fully understand what god(s) is!" - The
term God, god, gods, and variation means a powerful being. Bruce Lee could be considered a god, even Lance Armstrong, not because he's ALL POWERFUL,
but because he's just better at something, or stronger, or faster at something. . .. That is what the term God is. I don't think you understand what
god(s) is"
Drexon . . . yeah- no opinion, fact or even a brief summary of what your thoughts were . . .which actually was the reason for this thread . . . .
telling me or anyone to do something . . . forces me to look down upon you .. .try again with something intelligent to say, and add to the intelectual
content of this thread.
On to the people who actually have brains, or aren't just as dumb as these guys.
Riot Coming. . .and to all who think there is another thread about this. I've read that thread, and this thread is to NOT to see WHICH you believe
in, but rather WHAT kind of theories you have to accomodate the 2 together. Using the ENTIRE BIBLE as a religious point, AND using everything that is
available on the net, or via other sources about this phenomenon. Can't use just the parts you want. Have to use them all. Don't know them all,
it's ok, just don't speak as if you konw them all. That's called Humbility. Granted some could be hoaxes, yet at the same time, some could be lies
on the religous side. Off theories not factless beliefs, because noone cares about your beliefs or why you believe in them, WHAT THEORIES(USING FACTS)
There are some people that do have an open mind, and for those people I encourage you to share more, as for those who I just put in their place . . .
yeah kindly stay quiet for the next couple decades thanks. I want this thread to evolve and make it grow to the point of people learning from it.
Let the weak retaliatory actions begin.
Thanks Smoot, Echtelion 56