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Message for @The Messenger' and anyone interested in survival

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posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 08:34 AM
I have a message for ‘The Messenger’, and for anyone who wishes to survive for the next year.

I do not know where ‘The Messenger’ got his information from.

This is not a personal attack on the Messenger, but I did feel strongly that when posting such important information on a website such as this that the messenger should have actually read the scriptures and researched into the subject first, misleading the population of the world in this way could cost unnecessary lives.

Me and my friend have been researching the translations of the Bible Prophesies for the last two years and have now translated most of them up to the ‘End of Days’, including a possible date for the second coming of Jesus.

With help from friends on websites and from the Bible, we have translated using actual scripture and prophesies from Nostradamus and from the Bible Code.

We have translated these prophesies accurately using the Jewish calendar, which is the only accurate time piece which has stayed constant right the way through from the biblical time until the present.

The reference to ‘Wormwood’ is to a comet which is approaching the earth from the North West from the constellation of Draco. This comet will strike the atmosphere of the earth and split into 7 pieces. These will fall on South West France, Sardinia or Corsica, Florence, into the Adriatic Sea off of Athens and the core will fall with a direct hit on Jerusalem. The remaining pieces will fall on India. This is not going to impact on Russia at all.

The impact will not take place in 2011, but on 14 AV 5766, which translates from the Hebrew calendar as 11 August 2006, THIS YEAR

This is coupled with the prophesy that the second coming would see Christ return upon a flaming chariot, this is the comet. It is written in Zachariah that Christ will stand upon the Mount of Olives and it will cleave and it’s living water will flow forth; this is the impact which is being described, and the living water is Larva which will flow from the impact crater.

The timing of the sign that the second coming is upon us is a fallen star in the sky (comet), which will be sighted on the 10 AV 5766, the 10th day of the 5th month 0f the 7th year of the last days ( the new millennium). This is from Ezekiel ch20.

‘And it came to pass that in the seventh year, in the fifth month, that certain of the elders of Israel will enquire of the Lord, and sat before me.

Then came the word of the word of the Lord unto me saying,

Son of Man speak unto the elders of Israel, and say unto them, thus saith the Lord God; are ye come to enquire of me? As I live, saith the Lord God, I will not be enquired of by you.

Wilt thou judge them, son of Man, wilt thou judge them? Cause them to know the abominations of their Fathers:’

The Son of Man is Christ, and he is being asked by the Elders of the Church to judge man. This is the first Judgement in the Book of Revelation, which is the ‘Judgement of the Gentiles’.

There is an asteroid predicted, which is scheduled to collide with the earth not in 2011, but on or around the 25 June 2013.

This is also corrected by the Mayan calendar, which starts at 4 million years ago ( matches the age of the earliest ‘humanoid’ remains discovered) and stops at 2012, which they tell us is the last full year. This would indicate that 2012 is the last full year of this dispensation and that following that in the next year, 2013 would be an incomplete year due to the asteroid impact causing such devastation that it would be a mass extinction event, including mankind.

The impact of the Comet in Jerusalem and the Mediterranean, is predicted to cause an eruption of a Vulcano in Las Palmas, Canary Islands, which will cause a massive eruption and a Tsunami which will travel across the Atlantic Ocean. This will devastate West Africa, Brazil and will totally flood Ireland. The worst devastation will occur in USA. The tsunami will reach a height of 120 feet when it reaches UK and when it impacts on the east coast of USA it will be1800 feet high and be travelling at 800 miles per hour. The tidal wave will wash in 300 miles inland from the coast. Florida will be totally engulfed by the wave. Major Cities which will be wiped off the map will be New York, Boston, Washington DC, Miami, Philadelphia and more. The Tsunami will make Sumatra in 2004 look like a stream and New Orleans look like a puddle. An estimate has been made that 23 Million people will be killed.

The impact has also been predicted to temporarily send the Earth into a short Ice age due to the debris cloud covering the earth.

Following this, the surviving people who are loyal to Christ, he will gather to him and be with them in the ‘tops of the Mountains’ at Zion (Utah, USA).

A second comet is due following the one in August which will impact in the Pacific Ocean off California, USA, which will send a massive Tsunami crashing into Los Angeles and San Francisco.

A third comet is due following this but we have yet to translate it’s impact location.

Also, a tsunami was not the cause of Noah’s flood due to the movement of a glacier, as glaciers move all the time and drop pieces into the sea, which is where Ice burgs come from. Noah’s flood was caused by the formation of the Mid Atlantic Trench. A huge water table was under the crust of the Earth and when Pangier (the single continent that existed before the tectonic plates started to move) split up. Earth quakes and volcanic eruptions that occurred when the American piece moved away from the African and European pieces moved apart superheated this water and it shot out of the newly formed fault in the crust and went into the atmosphere under immense pressure. This then fell as rain. There was so much water that the rain lasted for years. This raised the sea level so high that it engulfed the land. When the trench had been formed, the excess water went back into the trench, and the trench sealed. This was when the rain stopped and the land drained of the water.

I wonder if the Messenger is aware that the Mediterranean Sea was once a desert?

A further change in the water level of the seas was caused by the melt water from the thawing of the glaciers formed by the end of the last Ice age.

The messenger must be one of the Aliens which he mentions on the message, as he obviously hasn’t a clue about the Earth.


posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 09:44 AM
oh right, that's cleared that up! Now can you provide the evidence to prove all of this or is it just one of many predictions. The Bible does say after all to beware of flase prhopets and false gods.....

One final point, surely if a comet was headed our way for this year it would have been picked up by astromeners by now. And i cannot beleive the 2nd comming would require the death of 23 million people. Surely a benavlont God would not hurt His people like that.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Tomcat4765
I have a message for ‘The Messenger’, and for anyone who wishes to survive for the next year.

? Who is the messenger? A member here?

Following this, the surviving people who are loyal to Christ

Why are the people loyal to christ killed before this in the tsunami?

tops of the Mountains’ at Zion (Utah, USA).

Why is Utah Zion? Is this only open to mormons?

Also, a tsunami was not the cause of Noah’s flood

Since there was no great global flood, this makes sense.

Noah’s flood was caused by the formation of the Mid Atlantic Trench.

You mean the mid atlantic ridge?

quakes and volcanic eruptions that occurred when the American piece moved away from the African and European pieces moved apart superheated this water and it shot out of the newly formed fault in the crust and went into the atmosphere under immense pressure.

You're talking about somethign that started 136 million years ago. Also, continents break apart slowly, starting with the formation of a rift, and then with new crust being added at the ridge of the rift. This is what is happening in asia/africa right now, with the great african lakes and Red Sea representing an early stage of continental rifting. The MAR, the mid atlantic ridge, represents a much later phase, when an ocean has fully opened between the rifted continents.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 01:16 PM
Well you say this, and people like Edgar Cayce, who made over 14,000 readings, including the findings of many now used medical treatmants, say otherwise..i believe him over you.
But i am as loyal to Christ as i can be, so i put my trust in Him

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 09:26 AM

In answer to my last message;

I have been translating biblical Prophesies for the last 2 years, using many resorces.

If some one had told the people in Sumatra on 25 december 2004 that aTsnunami would hit the island the next day and to survive all they had to do would have been to move a safe distance away from the coast it would have saved many lives. All I am trying to do is to warn pepole of the possible consequenses of not taking notice odf a wrarning given in good faith to save my fellow borthers and sisters of the world.

I may be sad to spend 2 years upon this, and i hope that for everyones sake that this is wrong and I would be the first to stand and admit to being wrong; but if this correct and does take place, having this knowledge and at least not warning anyone who may be saved by my information would not be the very Chritian thing to do, would it.

Christ saved mankind of the world with his own sacrifice, if I were to class myself as a good Christian, have information which could save millions of lives, I feel it my Christian duty to try to save as many lives as possible. If people will not listen to the messages I have left and totally dismiss my message without even checking the information I have given, simply out of pure ignorance and arrogance, then I have done my best and their fate is in the hands of the Kord when he returns in august for the first judgement, That of the Gentiles (Ezekiel ch20).

' the son of man shall judge man' ' 10th day of the %th Month &th Year of the Latter days'.

The son of man is Christ, the date given is that of the Jewish Caledar, 10/5 is 10 AV (4 August) and the 7th year of the Latter Days means the 7th year of the final millennium, now, which is the jewish year of 5766, our 2006- THIS YEAR

The Book of Revelation tells us that Christ will return upon a flaming chariot, this is the comet 'Wormwood'.

The reason jerusalem is to be disroyed is because the Lord has warned the Jews about their cnduct may times.

It is also writen that a 'new Jerusalem' would be bilt, n order for this to take place the old one must be destroyed. Jerusalem also will come under fire when the 'Shahab 3' misiles are fired by the Iranians to ' desolate the plains of Moab'.

If checking the Matrixes of the Bible Code, there are many which mention the word 'Shahab'. this s the prediction that these misiles are to devistate the area east of jerusalem; 'the plains of Moab will be desolate and no man nor beast shall like thee forever'.

YES! I do know what I am talking about, 2 years of research have tought me much.

Translations direct from Aramaic and Hebrew have brought about these findings.

I have translations from Aramaic which was the native tongue of Christ as he was born in Galilee and worked most of his ministry there.

The 'Camel' passed thru the eye of the needle is a mistranslation from Aramaic, it should read that 'it is easier to pass a THICK ROPE thru the eye of a needle than to understand the word of GOD'.

the word Christ used was 'Gimla', whic does translate to Camel, but also translates to thick rope.

Tomcat 4765

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:12 AM
Call me cynical, but has there ever, in the entire history of history, been a prophecy made that was irrefuteably proven to be accurate?

Now, back to the Aliens and UFOs...

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Tomcat4765

In answer to my last message;

I have been translating biblical Prophesies for the last 2 years, using many resorces.

If some one had told the people in Sumatra on 25 december 2004 that aTsnunami would hit the island the next day and to survive all they had to do would have been to move a safe distance away from the coast it would have saved many lives. All I am trying to do is to warn pepole of the possible consequenses of not taking notice odf a wrarning given in good faith to save my fellow borthers and sisters of the world.

I may be sad to spend 2 years upon this, and i hope that for everyones sake that this is wrong and I would be the first to stand and admit to being wrong; but if this correct and does take place, having this knowledge and at least not warning anyone who may be saved by my information would not be the very Chritian thing to do, would it.

Christ saved mankind of the world with his own sacrifice, if I were to class myself as a good Christian, have information which could save millions of lives, I feel it my Christian duty to try to save as many lives as possible. If people will not listen to the messages I have left and totally dismiss my message without even checking the information I have given, simply out of pure ignorance and arrogance, then I have done my best and their fate is in the hands of the Kord when he returns in august for the first judgement, That of the Gentiles (Ezekiel ch20).

' the son of man shall judge man' ' 10th day of the %th Month &th Year of the Latter days'.

The son of man is Christ, the date given is that of the Jewish Caledar, 10/5 is 10 AV (4 August) and the 7th year of the Latter Days means the 7th year of the final millennium, now, which is the jewish year of 5766, our 2006- THIS YEAR

The Book of Revelation tells us that Christ will return upon a flaming chariot, this is the comet 'Wormwood'.

The reason jerusalem is to be disroyed is because the Lord has warned the Jews about their cnduct may times.

It is also writen that a 'new Jerusalem' would be bilt, n order for this to take place the old one must be destroyed. Jerusalem also will come under fire when the 'Shahab 3' misiles are fired by the Iranians to ' desolate the plains of Moab'.

If checking the Matrixes of the Bible Code, there are many which mention the word 'Shahab'. this s the prediction that these misiles are to devistate the area east of jerusalem; 'the plains of Moab will be desolate and no man nor beast shall like thee forever'.

YES! I do know what I am talking about, 2 years of research have tought me much.

Translations direct from Aramaic and Hebrew have brought about these findings.

I have translations from Aramaic which was the native tongue of Christ as he was born in Galilee and worked most of his ministry there.

The 'Camel' passed thru the eye of the needle is a mistranslation from Aramaic, it should read that 'it is easier to pass a THICK ROPE thru the eye of a needle than to understand the word of GOD'.

the word Christ used was 'Gimla', whic does translate to Camel, but also translates to thick rope.

Tomcat 4765

So what are you saying , that hasnt alrdy been said by literally 1000's of other so called prophets/ translators of the bible and doomsday beleivers?.
2 yrs of research and that makes you an expert ? LOL .

what about all the other people who have been trying to predict the end of the world / coming of christ for the past 2500 yrs.

for the past few thousand yrs ,history is littered with people who devoted there whole lives to this subject and got it WRONG ...

and you did it in 2 ?. sorry but most of what you say , sounds like a movie i watched back in the late 70's early 80's , narrarated by Orson Wells.. maybe it was the mid 80's .

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:35 AM

when the American piece moved away from the African and European pieces moved apart superheated this water and it shot out of the newly formed fault in the crust and went into the atmosphere under immense pressure. This then fell as rain. There was so much water that the rain lasted for years.

I was always taught that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights not years.
Why would the bible say that if it really rained for years???

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:36 AM
Again, you make it sound like you are responding to another thread. What thread is it?
Or, is this some copy/post from another site? Either way, this is a very big no-no.
Which is it?
Respond to this enquirery before this thread goes any farther.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 12:34 PM
I've seen my posts deleted for far less reasons

WHAT does this have to do with aliens and ufos?

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 02:53 PM
yeah, this has nozing to do with aliens and & ufos, your looking for the prohecy section on isle 9 next to the bottle of cryptozoology.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 06:43 PM
I was going to post a lengthy post about how your predictions are flawed. Things ranging from, Why do you think they named thier missles shahab 3 to begin with? To, there's no way a tsunami wave would grow to that size, let alone travel that far inland on the east coast. Then I realized that there was no point in digging up the evidence, it will not sway your opinion, nor will it sway your followers. If only you would have spent 2 hours researching the mechanics of the proposed canary island tsunami.

Either way it turns out that I'll be in Dixieland visiting my grandmother on the 10th and 11th. High up on the plateu of sand mountain, where no tsunami will get near me.

Honestly I don't feel the need to worry about anything, like I've stated many times regarding many different predictions. It just happens that I had prior plans to be nowhere near my home on the east coast. But I'll tell you right now, if I get home from vacation to find looters going through my house, I'm blaiming you tomcat, LOL.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 07:04 PM
O, I'm with Promomag on this (never thought that would happen), why in the name of [insert deity here] is this in the Alien's and UFOs section, it should be in the personal prophecies/predictions section, or one of the religious sections.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 07:43 PM
I am a belive in Jesus Christ and I read my word everyday but let me ask you this, if you can quote scripture then why dont you also quote the parts that say, NO ONE will know the time i come back. Or the parts that say his word is a mystery. I dont want to put limits on him or do i wish to offend any one, but why would he give codes to the truth. Why would he enlighten men of all people to the truth. I dont belive it. I belive what the word says and the word says to seek his face. And to love like he loved. And thats what I will do.

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 10:07 PM
So is this in the alien section just because he mentioned the word twice in his original post?

Shouldn't this thread be moved?

I am with Thomas Crowne, it should be moved or ended since original poster won't come clean about what he is talking about or from where he is getting his info.

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