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posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:09 PM
The only way disclosure would ever happen is if they landed on the white house lawn. And even then we would not get all the information they have accumulated.

Please people, stop with the disclosure is comming threads.

The only way disclosure could be obtained is by ripping it from the government. Actually storming say Area51 physically. Political channels are...well channeled by the government. Especially since Republicans have been tipping the triple ballance system.

I applaud the effort, but I think you might find putting energy into research that interests you much more fulfilling.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by StarfleetCommand]

[edit on 6-1-2006 by StarfleetCommand]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 06:54 PM
hopefully one day they will overwealmed with testamonies to just let it go and admit it

or there will be another roswell where a ufo that everyone sees crashes and grey doods are running around suburbia scaring people and theres all this evidence and # and its on the internet they will jsut have to admit it etc etc

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 06:57 PM
it is going to take a MASS population viewing of a UFO crash or something.
Until then it will never happen.

That is why I never read to much into the "disclosure project". I am very skeptical of that.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 07:17 PM
Well,I always joked with my dad by telling him I would hire mercenaries to storm AREA 51. However, that is what I would do if I was a Billionaire. I'm not a Billionaire,though. I could only hope

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by StarfleetCommand
Please people, stop with the disclosure is comming threads.

I applaud the effort, but I think you might find putting energy into research that interests you much more fulfilling.

It is coming. The number of people who are in the know is increasing by the day. People retire, get a conscience, then reveal. Others just die with the secret. I know that more and more people are knowing more and more every day. Why can't we who DO know help the effort? I say stop READING treads about disclosure, and we will continue posting them.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by StarfleetCommand
The only way disclosure would ever happen is if they landed on the white house lawn. And even then we would not get all the information they have accumulated.

Please people, stop with the disclosure is comming threads.

The only way disclosure could be obtained is by ripping it from the government. Actually storming say Area51 physically.

I sometimes can not fathom how people are still waiting. Do we need the president to blatently say they are here, and they are not from here?

Even if this happened, people will still be highly skeptical, and in the end peoples fear dictate what they can accept as true at the conscious level. Awaiting Disclosure?

I refer you to my signature

edited to add:
Since this will most definatley affect all people and life on Earth, shouldn't all souls be presented the information simultaniously, out of fairness? Not just one country? Puts an interesting twist on how the intentions of the world leading governments may be behind globalization of world communication. We've only been in the age of information for a relatively short time, and there are still countries with the overwhelming majority who do not have TVs, computers, or phones. Actions speak louder than words, and recent worlld events since 9-11 are measurable. Afghanistan and Iraq toppled essentially becaue of 19 guys from Saudi Arabia and Egypt toppling two buildings? Evaluate, pay attention, and analyze actions and behaviors, hold these in higher regard when trying to evaluate true intentions, not pics, videos, and rhetoric.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 10:36 PM
It appears that this question has been posed time and time again to each of us and to others. This disclosure has occurred and has occurred repeatedly in recent years.

A look at history and this website that we have made technological advances more accelerated rate than any time in history. Why do people have TO SEE in order to believe that outside influences beyond our knowledge has occured in what we consider simple mundane household items.CordiallyLEGALCATALYST.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 10:57 PM
I don't have to see.....I know. It was my line of work in the mid 80's. I don't believe, I know it is truth. DVD's, CD's, computer chips, night vision to name a few, are all products of reverse engineering.

It would be nice to have the whole world be on the same page, though. It gets kind of boring being called a cracko and a liar and a kook.....and other things the terms of use do not allow me to say.

I often get asked by others if I believe. I tell them of my experience, and they just laugh and ridicule. Don't ask if you don't want the truth, people!

[edit on 1/6/2006 by sexymon]

[edit on 1/6/2006 by sexymon]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 11:05 PM
I thinkt he simple reason why disclosure will not be revieled, until the last moment, is because we don't know everything their is about them. That is why the worlds governments have not released the information about them visiting, is simply because they don't know everything yet.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by sexymon
I don't have to see.....I know. It was my line of work in the mid 80's. I don't believe, I know it is truth. DVD's, CD's, computer chips, night vision to name a few, are all products of reverse engineering.

I know of a previous cia deputy of foreign technology counter intelligence that would probably parrallel your claims to a T. Most people accept the fact that humanity took 7,300 years from the first record of horse-drawn carriages to get to the tech of the mass production of the Ford Model T and 67 years to get from the Model-T to the moon. Why is it so easy to believe? People swallow this whole, because they no point of reverence, there is nothing to compare it to.

It would be nice to have the whole world be on the same page, though. It gets kind of boring being called a cracko and a liar and a kook.....and other things the terms of use do not allow me to say.

I don't care if you are a cracko and a liar and a kook. It does not make the information you present false, my friend.

I often get asked by others if I believe. I tell them of my experience, and they just laugh and ridicule. Don't ask if you don't want the truth, people!

Don't let them make you mad, laugh with them. You are armed with the truth. They are not consciouswly aware of their fears. They ridicule because the very concept threatens them, and at the core of every cell that comprises them they are still SELFISH BEFORE THEY SERVE ANYTHING OR ANYONE, aka = SELF PRE SERVE. And this denies them their own truth, but yet you have yours. Funny for you, monkey laughing for them.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 02:24 PM
I have an hypothesis to poses to the experts. I have this faint feeling that a thinking seimbian, excuse the spelling, being is used to propel some of the alien craft. I believe there a different models to perform differing functions, in a grander view, but one model is propelled by such a being not related to our normal bi-ped alien. The problem lies in communicating with it. Possibly through some sort of neuro - electro - boobie wacker modem between human and siembiant drive. Some thoughts?Cordially, LEGALCATALYST.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 02:25 PM
I think that the government is getting ready to give us some of the information in their own way. I think that they'll tell us that they're ready for interstellar travel. I give my reasons for that here
I don't think that they'll tell us about aliens yet, or that we will hear any truth about the roswell crash.

[edit on 7-1-2006 by Rasobasi420]

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 03:39 PM
In furthering of my hypothesis, I feel at this time that the realm of space, the black area between the star lights in the sky, not to sound poetic, have invisible lines of force that can be bent into curves. The bending is to bring the curves closer together. It is the distance between these curves is the reason for the desire to bend them thus shortening the TIME it takes to cross great distances - interstellar - without suffering from extreme elemental forces on our human bodies. I believe the lil green bi-ped ones are so frail appearing is because they do not suffer the stresses of those elements.

This bending maybe done through human intellegence but I believe that the seimbien being can accomplish this with its mind but it needs to be told what to do. Any thoughts?Cordially, LEGALCATALYST.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 05:36 PM
Why Full Disclosure is not even an option at this time.

Communication is key. And, we can measure the belief of what a superpower such as America thinks of the importance of communication by witnessing and observing the fact it is one of the first resources they forcefully take out of the equasion when attacking their foes. They obviously put it on the top of their list every war. and negate the command centers's potential to communicate with their front line troops, usually the very first night of bombing attacks has been suffiecient to do this, utilizing their stealth, and the cover of darkness.

But, consider this: A worldwide communication system is the primary pre-requisite for global wide full disclosure, or full disclosure is not even an option. You want full disclosure? Promote worldwide communication. The overwhelming majority of humans on this planet do not have phones, computers, or TVs. So, the same thing you want most is now no where near an achievable task at this point. But, within 30 years it could be possible to ensure the 99% of Afghanis, and the 99% percent of Iraqis that do not have this communicational promoting technology will. Judge actions and behaviors and cause and effect when attempting to to judge intentions folks.

Just my thoughts on the subject. Just my opinion.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 06:21 PM
I find interest in the position regarding world wide full disclosure. I am under the impression that at the inception of the deception, it was premised upon that disclosure would create wide spread panic upon the general population. Would not the risk of this assumption be even further negated or exacerbated by a disclosure of that magnitude? Cordially, LEGALCATALYST.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 06:43 PM
You are invited to read and sign the new petition: "UNITED NATIONS DECADE OF CONTACT" at

"We request a UNITED NATIONS DECADE OF CONTACT: DISCLOSURE about Extraterrestrial Civilizations (ETs); DECADE OF CONTACT - Public funding of education research about ETs. DISARMAMENT - Ban space-based weapons and warfare in space. DIPLOMACY with ethical ETs now visiting Earth."

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Legalcatalyst
I find interest in the position regarding world wide full disclosure. I am under the impression that at the inception of the deception, it was premised upon that disclosure would create wide spread panic upon the general population. Would not the risk of this assumption be even further negated or exacerbated by a disclosure of that magnitude? Cordially, LEGALCATALYST.

I can see your point. But (and this is merely my opinion) I can see how stability here on Earth, and similiar mediums (methods) of communication worldwide, and promotion of tolerance and understanding and the want & percieved need of global communication would indeed deminish some if not the majority of such fears of global anarchy if all was made known.

posted on Jan, 7 2006 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Harvestfreak
I thinkt he simple reason why disclosure will not be revieled, until the last moment, is because we don't know everything their is about them. That is why the worlds governments have not released the information about them visiting, is simply because they don't know everything yet.

The governments will NEVER know everything.

What is that people want disclosed??

Aliens exist...they are better than us...have killed other creatures in the galaxy...can enter our space at will...don't want to share their technology with us...and don't want to be buddies with us...they don't hate us...but they feel we need to grow up on our own. They will not be answering questions, they will not give you a joy ride, they will not give you magic pills, or free energy. They will fly around in their ships monitoring us and possibly take what they need from our planet. They wish us the best but will not contact us. Their message: care for the planet, care for your fellow man, care for the life on your planet, and become more spiritual and less materialistic.

My guess is people will demand to know their true motives:
A: None of your business

How do we know you won't enslave us:
A: Maybe you already are

Does our government have a defense against them?
A: Yeah throw water on them and attack them with a baseball bat

Do you believe in God?
A: Which one? Zeus, Jesus' God, Moses' God, Mohammed's, the one on Zeta 4, the one that the 11 foot aliens believe in, the one the smart Dinosaurs believed in, the Neaderthals' God, or the one that rules the universe next to us?....Yes.

Do we die?
A: Yes...but weren't you dead before you were given birth to? Maybe you will be rebirthed again.

Why are you guys not more friendly?
A: We are, but right now you're like a 2nd grader trying to hang with us college kids...we have little in common right now. We also like running this part of the galaxy without your 2nd grade human interferance demanding from us to treat you as equals. You have solar system of your own to play with and make mistakes in and grow. Good luck.

Will you stop nuclear war?
A: No...we could, but according to the other 99% of the species on your planet we've mind melded with; they don't like you or the way you've killed them off and taken their right to exist and enjoy life. Maybe the 5% of humans surviving the war will take you in a new direction.

Gotta go. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone.

Sure the aliens may not be like this, but from their reported actions I don't see my little silly post being that much of a stretch. Why do people want disclosure? The aliens don't want disclosure, they're fine. The US government doesn't want discclosure, they're in control, they're fine. Disclosure puts a lot of pressure on the disclosee to start answering some difficult questions. Probably questions with no answers and no aliens willing to give those answers. Now you have a power in space that is worse than our human governmnet, that doesn't answer to us, does as it likes, and can not be defeated. Have a nice day.

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