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Zodiac 'signs'

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posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 06:52 AM
Could someone who knows what they're talking about give me a brief description of the constellations and which religions they spawned?

I'm not much of an astrologer and in London where I live you can't even see the stars far less appreciate them.

The transition from Pisces to Aquarius is of particular interest to me. It took me 2 weeks of no sleeping to appreciate this, I'm still recovering - so if anyone could summarise it would certainly help.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 07:13 AM
Hi. I'm not much of an astrologer (I was a University educated Astronomer though), but isn't Pisces AFTER Aquarius in the zodiac?

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 07:26 AM
I had a revelation from God preceded by 12 days of no sleep in which I was told that we were headed for a 'New Age.'

Astronomy stems from the Greek word, 'asteri' - star and the Greek word 'nomos' or Law. Astrology stems from 'asteri' and 'logos' or word - I'm Greek so I'm aware of this, I wouldn't mind both seeing it from both perspectives, or both sides of the 'coin.'

Discussion is healthy. As far as I'm aware, the Age of Pisces spawned the coming of a Christ and the beginnings of the Christian religion. Taurus came before Pisces and spawned the Jewish religion with Moses as it's Messiah.

So as I asked previously, whoever knows what they are talking about and is willing to share their perspective, please do - I'm willing to be taught and I'm eager to hear what you have to say.

Oh and btw, I'm half Scottish - my mothers side of the family are from Biggar in Lanarkshire. My cousin is an astronomer.

*Edited by coincidence

[edit on 6-1-2006 by Simon_the_byron]

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by glastonaut
Hi. I'm not much of an astrologer (I was a University educated Astronomer though), but isn't Pisces AFTER Aquarius in the zodiac?

As far as the Zodiac is relative to the Earth's rotation, yes. But the 'ages' are to do with Precession of the Equinoxes, in which the order is reversed.
You might be interested in this page for a bit more education than my explanation provides.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Simon_the_byron
I had a revelation from God preceded by 12 days of no sleep in which I was told that we were headed for a 'New Age.'

Indeed, we are. I will surely be condemned as a 'new ager' for sharing what I know. :shk: Of course, you know me--that is immaterial in the extreme.

The bible gives every indication that 'new age' is where we are headed--not 'new age' as in alternative religions which compromise the truth in favor of ego, but the age wherein death and the grave are abolished, replaced with a 'new heaven and new earth.'

In the NT, 3 different words are translated 'world': aion, kosmos, and oikoumene. Aion is basically 'age,' as well you know, not so much eternal as perpetual. Correct me if I'm wrong, Simon, since I know you know way more about it than I do.

But maybe that might help your perspective regarding your revelation as it relates to scripture. I know it is a valid one, because it is one that I had some time ago--and I know many others whom this has been revealed to.

I've also heard it called 'the age of benevolence.' It is the age of the 'water-bearer'--Aquarius--who symbolizes this new philosophy that lies beyond the threshold upon which the world (kosmos) currently hovers in expectation:

Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
~John 4:13-14

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
~John 7:37-38

Jesus spoke those words at the dawning of the Age of Pisces--a time characterized by the disciple's investment work as 'fishers of men.' But He was actually speaking of the age to come 2000 years later. The fishing is over, it's time to drink at the fountain:

For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
~Revelation 7:17

Astronomy stems from the Greek word, 'asteri' - star and the Greek word 'nomos' or Law. Astrology stems from 'asteri' and 'logos' or word - I'm Greek so I'm aware of this, I wouldn't mind both seeing it from both perspectives, or both sides of the 'coin.'

And stars are luminaries--representative of 'princes' in the Bible, and the brightest one, of course, is the 'Day Star.'

Discussion is healthy. As far as I'm aware, the Age of Pisces spawned the coming of a Christ and the beginnings of the Christian religion. Taurus came before Pisces and spawned the Jewish religion with Moses as it's Messiah.

Actually, the Exodus marked the end of the Taurean Age and the beginning the Arien Age (Aries, the Ram).

From my own research, I have a very strong suspicion that the Exodus occured concurrently with the certain volcanic explosion of Santorini that was so catastrophic that it brought an abrupt and complete end to that Island's 'Minoan' Society. (Minotaur, or bull, worshippers!) It is believed by those who study such things (not religious types but science types) that the shockwaves from the cataclysm caused 200 foot tidal waves on every shore of the Mediterranean. This, of course, would definitely have disrupted the local ecology around Egypt, especially in regard to the Nile.

Without getting derailed, suffice it to say that if my theory is accurate, a lot of seemingly fictious and/or unrelated events are both confirmed and reconciled. It certainly would explain why a golden calf was the idol of choice and why it was such a no-no (besides the obvious).

The 'zodiac' theme of the OT can certainly be understood as that of the 'Ram' if one looks at it objectively. That age ended and the age of Pisces began. And now we begin the next one. Aquarius is also a sign associated with true philadelphia--agape love that is given by the grace of God. 'The Son of Man' is the water-bearer: bearing living waters for the restoration of the human spirit.

Oh and btw, I'm half Scottish - my mothers side of the family are from Biggar in Lanarkshire.

And I be Scotch-Irish meself, dear laddie! Aye, 'tis true this world be small indeed.

I've got much more about this, if you want to dive deeper...

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 03:07 PM
Fundamentally, Aries' function is to be the initiator, the one who gets things started.
It is the Ram, the ‘bullock.’

The function of Taurus, more than any other sign, is to witness to the value of the senses in human life.
It is the head of the bull appointed for sacrifice.

The purpose of Gemini is to be one who gathers and conveys information.
It is dualism.

The sign of Cancer witnesses to the importance of home and family, of belonging in human life.
It is creation.

Leo’s task is to be as the Sun: it holds everything in place with its magnetism and gravity, it gives out warmth and light to all, it is reliable, and everything benefits from its radiance.
It is the Lion.

Virgo takes in substance and discriminates between what is useful and what isn't, and works with it so that it may be more useful still, and thus be of service to humanity. That's the key to it all - service.
It is purity.

The Libra objective is to be fair and balanced in everything in a detached way - it is an air sign and therefore seeks an ideal.
It is justice.

Scorpio’s task is to learn to be at ease with feeling what goes on beneath the surface of life; the emotional reality, a reality which can be the end of any ideal-- Scorpio symbolizes the move from ideal of how things ought to be to the experience of how things are.
It is death.

Sagittarius witnesses to the importance of deriving meaning from experience-- that is, not from books, though reading the thoughts and searches for meaning of others can help in the quest.
It is Gnosis.

Capricorn witnesses to the importance of the social order in which one lives, its proper functioning, and the personal fulfillment which can be found through finding one's true place within it.
It is a ‘member’ (of the whole body)

Aquarius witnesses to our membership of the human race, and to the importance of the creative activity of humanity—a time when new ideas flood into society, many upsetting at first and a disturbing influence--but the purpose is to bring society’s self-imposed limitations to awareness.
It is enlightenment.

Witness to the difficult task of straddling the divide – the abyss between the human and the divine; and is the experience of normal human life as limited, excluding so much that can make life more complete.
It is the Cross.

Quadruplicities—12 signs divided by 4 different ways of creating:

the impetus to initiate or create, or to counter one initiative with another:
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
(The ‘four heads’—the chief Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel (or Penuel) and Raphael)

inclined to sustain or stabilize what has already been created, or to resist or practice endurance in the face of another's initiative:
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
(Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man)

take what has been created and attempt to alter or adapt it:
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces
(Cain and Abel, Mary the mother of Jesus, The ‘Horsemen’, and Fishers of Men)

12 divided by the 4 elements:

the desire for freedom-- freedom of action, the power of free will:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
These represent heavenly ties

the need for security-- physical security:
Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
These represent earthly ties.

the desire for freedom-- freedom of expression, thought and movement:
Libra, Aquarius, Gemini
These represent the role of Christ

the need for security-- emotional security:
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
These represent the thresholds of the 'soul'

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 05:57 PM
Ahhh there you are queenannie!
See I am sagittarian.I do not read many books but seek knowledge in other ways.This seems to be my last life."THank You":>Let me tell you though it will be hard fought to the end.Plainly and boldly speaking yes
we are in a changing of eras.There are those amongst us now who are doing what they are supposed to do(ahem).If you study enough of what has happened been said and teranspired there is alot happening right here and now.You seem to be thinking on the right path.All I can say to help you is be careful as you pull the rope(metaphor)make sure you keep your grip.This is to say fuel yourself...

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