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Adios Norther Hemispere

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posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 09:01 PM
How many people know that Yellowstone National Park is one huge Volcano. Well it is and it is te key to the next ice age. The next ice age wont happen by tempeture going up or down it will happen very quickly not slow.

We all know that the San Andreas fult is way over due for an earthquack and it will be a magnatude that that no one will ever think of. Califonia will break from the US and become an island or if it doesnt it will to major dammage. but if it dose break away form the US a tidal wave 20x the size of the largest skycraper on earth with desrtoy Hawaii, Japan, Korea, parts of China and Russia and the Southeast Asian Islands. It will kill million or even billion with that quake.

But wait dont try fleeing the west bucause thats not all. As i said Yellowstone is a huge volcano all it needs is an earthquake with a magnatude of 7.0 will cause it to erupt. but a 7.0 on the S.A fault will not cause it to erupt for that distance but a 14.0 magnatude will. the 14.0 is not all from the earthquake but the ripping of a state from the US will add more to it.

This 14.0 will crack the crust above the magma pool that is under Yellowstone and will be catistophic to the US ash that is so dense 2 meters of it will cause the roof to cave in and will slowly sufficate you. the ash cloud will reach to the eastern US and and to London and Paris. Not only that when the cloud deseds the sufferic acid form the eruption will get into the atmosphere give us the next ice age in mounths.

It will effect the whole norther hemosphere and a bit of the south. it wont be over for a long time.

the only thing i can say is that kiss our butts good bye.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:17 PM
Yes, most of the enquired know that the San Andreas fault is due for an earthquake. However, don't forget to take into consideration the New Madrid Fault line. With one on the west coast and one on the east coast, it is very probable that when they do send off a high enough earthquake it will disrupt the Yellowstone Caldera.

If you have read any of the Quake Watch 2006 posts you will also notice that we have started keeping an eye out on that section of the US. The Gulf of California has had maybe 4 or 5 earthquakes in the past few days. We are well aware of the repercussions.

For the two faults to send off a high enough earthquake and disrupt Yellowstone it would be very catastrophic to everybody around the world. I think we also know that it will last along time and it certainly won't be over in months.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 10:35 PM
...and all of which may never happen in our lifetime or for hundreds of generations to come. Will it eventually happen? Of course. Could it happen tomorrow? Yes.

But for me, this event (and particularly because of its scale) falls on the side of the oh-well-not-much-you-can-do-about-it-if-it-happens side.

...unless of course anyone had some notion of how to explore preventing such a catastrophic occurrence.

[edit on 6-1-2006 by loam]

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by loam

...unless of course anyone had some notion of how to explore preventing such a catastrophic occurrence.

Things like EMF's and oil drilling and testing can trigger earthquakes. So I dunno. Maybe we should quit mucking with our responsive geosystem? At least until we understand exactly how it all works? ...Just a thought.

[edit on 5-1-2006 by soficrow]

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 11:20 PM
What happens when a duck farts?

Theres an Earthquack!

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 11:25 PM

You know that I agree with you there.

I am ALWAYS a big proponent of understanding the consequences of what we are doing prior to doing it.

(BTW, I still need to read more on your EMF theories. I'm a total novice on that subject matter. Fascinating stuff.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 12:21 AM
A 14.0? Do you realize how big of a step up there is for each tenth of a point? A 7.1 is something like either 10 or 100 times stronger than a 7.0. Sorry I can't remember if its a 10x or 100x jump. But even at 10x a 7 to 8 is 100x stronger. I'm sure you saw how catestrophic the 9.3 was in the Indian ocean. You are talking about a quake at least 500x stronger if not 5000x stronger. Since there has never been a 10 pointer observed I don't think you'll need to worry about a 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14 pointer.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 08:15 AM
Indy the actual quake might be a 9.0 or a 10.0. By if a piece of large body breakes from another large body by force. the shatering of the body breaking might add a 4.0 almost instently so yea it could happen.

Just remember the 9.3 earthquake in the Indies made a tshunami olay about 30 feet high. But mega tshunamis are caused by landfalls which can create a tshunami larger then the hightest scycraper. now times that to a peice of land the size of california. Freaky is it

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by the news paper man
How many people know that Yellowstone National Park is one huge Volcano.

It's been an active ATS topic for a long time:
Yellowstone Super Caldera Project (September 2003)
and more...

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by the news paper man
Califonia will break from the US and become an island

It will not break off. Look at the direction of movement on the plate boundaries. Its not going out to sea.

But wait dont try fleeing the west bucause thats not all. As i said Yellowstone is a huge volcano all it needs is an earthquake with a magnatude of 7.0 will cause it to erupt.

Says who?

but a 7.0 on the S.A fault will not cause it to erupt for that distance but a 14.0 magnatude will.

There is no magnitude 14.

the shatering of the body breaking might add a 4.0 almost instently so yea it could happen.

? The richter scale is a measure of movement. It has nothing to do with this 'shattering' you are talking about.

now times that to a peice of land the size of california. Freaky is it

The "big' earthquake that people are talking about is nothing like what you are suggesting. The overall movement of the plate over time isn't out to sea either.

This 14.0 will crack the crust above the magma pool that is under Yellowstone and will be catistophic to the US ash that is so dense 2 meters of it

There wouldn't be any ash if this eruption was caused by a crack exposing the magma.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 10:18 AM

a tidal wave 20x the size of the largest skycraper on earth with desrtoy Hawaii, Japan, Korea, parts of China and Russia and the Southeast Asian Islands.

At 20,000' high that would be quite a tidal wave.

It wouldn't only be the northern hemisphere that would be affected.
A wave of that magnitude would travel the world.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:10 PM
I agree that Yellowstone will blow...its not a matter of IF but when....I also agree the SA fault line or New Madrid fault line could play a key in its eruption......
check out this link:

However a 14 magnitude quake is Exaggerating as is the Tsunami numbers....I believe the differance in a 7.0 quake to a 7.1 quake is 30X

Heres a sinario for ya lets say a geologic event occurs in the Canary Islands causing a massive Tsunami that destroys the East coast, this Event then triggers the New Madrid fault then the San Andreas....then these trigger a Yellowstone eruption......Lions Tigers and Snakes...oh my


posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 04:37 PM
A large section of California will not "fall into" the ocean. To do so would require the fault to run parallel to the sea bed/surface. The SA Fault runs vertical and penetrates at some angle of degree which forces the land mass on one side to build mountains and the land on the otherside to shift north.

Check the Pacific shelf and you will see that California is not going into the ocean.

As for a Mega Tsunami wave being in the 20,000 to 30,000 foot ABSL I highly doubt it. The shear volume of sea water that is our ocean is very large it can absorb (let say if a slice of California fell into the water) much more then that.

It like you are at one side of a lake (California) and 1,000 feet across the lake is Japan. And the lake is 10 feet deep. And I take a a bulldoser and scope up a full bucket load of beach and water and dump it while moving forward. Do you really think I will make a huge wave on the other side of the lake or will the engery radiate out from the point of impact and become much smaller peaks by the time it gets across the lake.

The Tsunami is Asia was because you had an earthquake and underwater mass moving relatively close to the shore, in an area that has a shallow slope. no dramatic changes in depth. So there is less volume of water to absorb the energy. You are talking 50 to 100 miles of the coast. Not 1,000 of miles across deep expanses of water. In the hypothetical situation if section of California could fall into the water, would there be Tsunami damage on the west coast of course, all the wave to Alaska probably, the water might arrive 8 to 10 feet above normal with long pulses and depending on the makeup of the coast line back to back surges could push the waves maybe to 12 or 13 feet above normal levels.

Far from a 20,000 world wide tsunami

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 08:41 PM
I also found these things:

seems all sorts of wierd geo crap goin on in the northern hemiphere....

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
A large section of California will not "fall into" the ocean.


Everyone knows California is not going to fall into the ocean. The rest of the U.S. is going to fall into the Atlantic.

The San Andreas Fault is not a single fault as commonly portrayed in the media. It is a series of individual interconnected faults. The entire 'fault' will not rupture all at once.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by the news paper man
How many people know that Yellowstone National Park is one huge Volcano. Well it is and it is te key to the next ice age. The next ice age wont happen by tempeture going up or down it will happen very quickly not slow.

We all know that the San Andreas fult is way over due for an earthquack and it will be a magnatude that that no one will ever think of. Califonia will break from the US and become an island or if it doesnt it will to major dammage. but if it dose break away form the US a tidal wave 20x the size of the largest skycraper on earth with desrtoy Hawaii, Japan, Korea, parts of China and Russia and the Southeast Asian Islands. It will kill million or even billion with that quake.

But wait dont try fleeing the west bucause thats not all. As i said Yellowstone is a huge volcano all it needs is an earthquake with a magnatude of 7.0 will cause it to erupt. but a 7.0 on the S.A fault will not cause it to erupt for that distance but a 14.0 magnatude will. the 14.0 is not all from the earthquake but the ripping of a state from the US will add more to it.

This 14.0 will crack the crust above the magma pool that is under Yellowstone and will be catistophic to the US ash that is so dense 2 meters of it will cause the roof to cave in and will slowly sufficate you. the ash cloud will reach to the eastern US and and to London and Paris. Not only that when the cloud deseds the sufferic acid form the eruption will get into the atmosphere give us the next ice age in mounths.

It will effect the whole norther hemosphere and a bit of the south. it wont be over for a long time.

the only thing i can say is that kiss our butts good bye.

Thank you for your 'prediction', but where is your proof?


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