A while back i have studied the medditeranian sea and i think i may have found what might of happen to atlantis.
This is my discovery
The destrution of atlantis takes place or the time of Moses.
The greek islans that are south of greece. if you look there is a volcano
underwater in the middle of the islands. now what is the volacano erupted
in a magnitute never now to man. it might of ripped the island apart
causing a maga tusnami twice the hight of ESB (empire state building)
which is posible no by earthquakes but my landslides which is theioreticly
possible by one island breaking apart. Now that wave will be moving in all
directions and it has and a direct path to the red sea by rivers. Dont say it
cant happen but a wave that size i will happen. now as moses got to the
red sea it was luck that the wave moving in speeds not know to man that
the wave made the red sea lost all of the sea lvl due to the wave this size
that had just the time for them to cross and for the people that were trying
to capture them got hit with the force of 1000 hiroshima's of force. I also
remember that a city undersiege with gigantic fireballs falling into the city.
that could of been from the debree for the eruption from the volcano. Well
look at it from the volcan to about isreal is realy not that far. but a volcano
that size could of had a huge eruption rate that could of when hundreds of
even thousands of miles from the point of the eruption.
to me this is very interesting and i would like to hear from other
for this link you will have to scroll down a bit to get to greece