posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 10:21 AM
I like the thought, but think there is great expanse of time, between the Altantis aspect, and the events in Thera and connecting it to the Exodus.
At the least, 3000 or 4000 Years, but thats fine. Just my personal view.
There are at least 10 Generations between Noah, and Abraham, and to Mose, that is another 5 or more.
Now, unless, you are offering the suggestion that Atlantis was confined within the Med Basin, I think the two are not as connected as you are
Atlantis was in the Azores
Atlantis was off the Emerald Isles
Atlantis was off the Topic Americas
Atlantis was off the Bimini Area.
I can support any of these, and likewise, can support the MED, and even the Black Sea, if I must, but I think others have addressed this in other
Posts here. We see evidence in all of these places.
So, I feel the Volcano that erupted in Thera, was further evidence, of the Flooding, that occured regularly, as the Preist told Solon, and is
recounted by Plato in Timeaus's and Critias's conversation.
This does fall well within the time frame of Moses, and could have effected the Red Sea in such a manner. Anything is possible in respects to this, I
But I think, the destruction of Altantis, (whatever that really means) and the civilizations that grew on the outlying areas, such as is found in the
MED Basin, and the Azores, and Bimini and Cuba, and the North Sea, and the Black Sea, are all part and parcel of the same event, and The Volcano in
Thera, could not be responsible for all of this.
The destruction of the Minoan Civilization and effecting the Med and surrounding areas, certainly.
I trust you understand what I am meaning.