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SOS call as island nations go under

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posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 02:54 AM

SOS call as island nations go under

AUSTRALIA is being pressed to come to the rescue of drowning Pacific islands which face a homeless crisis due to rising sea levels caused by global warming.

With predictions sea levels could rise by up to 32 centimetres by 2050, a number of Pacific islands could be rendered uninhabitable within a decade.

The Federal Government, which has twice refused requests from Tuvalu to resettle its population, could risk isolation in the region if it does not take a more proactive stance on Pacific climate change.


How sad is that?

Read the rest of the article concerning the planned evacuations being engineered by New Zealand and Canada...


posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 02:56 AM
It would have happened sooner or later. Lets just thank our lucky stars that we have the technology to evacuate these people as their islands get swallowed up by the Ocean.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 04:42 AM
Most pacific islands are coral atolls on top of extinct volcanos/seamounts. All of which will eventually sink (even Hawaii !)

The idea they're sinking because sea levels are rising in response to global warming is entirely unproven. The same was once claimed of the Maldives, until long term studies revealed the opposite.

Swedish scientist Professor Nils-Axel Mörner presented this paper to the UK Parliament in March 2005 which concludes:

...observational data do not support the sea level rise scenario. On the contrary, they seriously contradict it.

See also this article from the Telegraph written in 2000

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Swedish scientist Professor Nils-Axel Mörner presented this paper to the UK Parliament in March 2005 which concludes:

...observational data do not support the sea level rise scenario. On the contrary, they seriously contradict it.

See also this article from the Telegraph written in 2000

I've seen a documentary film (Doomsday Called Off) about global warming and rising sea levels, with that Professor in it. He concluded there is a natural cycle in rising and falling sea levels. Sea levels have been much higher in the not so distant past, and are actually quite low atm.
There is no proof the islands will disappear due to the current global warming trend, and rising sea levels.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 06:23 AM
I wouldn't count on Hawaii sinking anytime soon or even in the fairly distant future. Our lowest point here on Oahu is about 13 feet above sea level. Most of the "sinking islands" are under 10 feet above sea level at their highest points. Johnston Atoll, where they destroyed a huge stockpile of chemical/biological weapons is only like 3 feet above sea level at the highest point of the island. The main Hawaiian Islands are actually pretty high above sea level. There are a lot of tiny little atolls that probably WILL sink, considering that there are something like 125 islands in the Hawaiian Island chain that have a combined total of 3 square miles.


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