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Australia: 911 - In Plane Site on TEN

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posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 05:55 AM
Australians... 911: In Plane Site is on now on Channel Ten. (In melbourne it is, so it should be in most states. I'm in VIC so give it another hour or so for other timezones).

Started at 10:30PM so its been on about 25 minute.

I'm really suprised (though happy) that a major National Australian Commercial Network is airing this!!!

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:09 AM
I think it's because it contains enough disinformation (no plane at Pentagon, pods under plane at WTC) that it isn't a threat.

Doesn’t it goes as far a as saying that a missile hit a military plane moments before hitting the Pentagon?

If your interested in disinfo check out

I'm really not sure if videos such as these actually help the truth movement.

[edit on 4/1/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:24 AM
Hmm I’ve just notice that OilEmpire makes a false claim about ATS.
The next photo is from the cover from one of the conspiracy sites that demands "where is the plane?" -- they must not have looked very hard, there are 2 obvious chunks of it in the photo. Another rim from the airplane on the right, and a large chunk of bulkhead on the left.

When I read the conclusion at the link given, ATS clearly concludes that there was a plane. Maybe the page has change? Either way I guess a MOD should email OilEmpire to let them know.


Hmm, nevermind, looks like they are actually crediting ATS with the pics. Appeared otherwise at first glance.

[edit on 4/1/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
I think it's because it contains enough disinformation (no plane at Pentagon, pods under plane at WTC) that it isn't a threat.

That was my intial thought also.
If they are going to bother to 'go against the grain' and show a 9/11 conspiracy film, there's a lot better choices out there than Plane Site.

I guess the best way to demolish a conspiracy is to spread the lies attributed to it. They can never debunk the finacial aspect of 9/11 but the 'Pods' will be able to make a lot of people look stupid in a few years when 'new' videos come out.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
I'm really not sure if videos such as these actually help the truth movement.

Me either. They need to air something a little more fact-based than In Plane Sight.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 07:46 PM
While "in plane sight" might be a little out there, i think it at least poses a few questions that werent answered in the 9/11 omission report. and that the american people should be demanding get answered.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 08:26 PM
I agree with what most are saying here regarding the general content of "In Plane Sight" and it's association with less credible angles on 9/11, however it does contain a bone with a lot of meat on. Please read my thread posted May '05.

Damning Evidence for 9/11 Conspiracy

I have yet to see this debunked with any valid reasoning.

posted on Jan, 5 2006 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Me either. They need to air something a little more fact-based than In Plane Sight.

There are fact based documentaries on the demolition theory?


I have yet to see one that doesn't make outlandish claims and use bad science.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by LeftBehind
I have yet to see one that doesn't make outlandish claims and use bad science.

And I have yet to see you post a single post of substance, let alone point out so-called "bad science."

If you want to talk about bad science, talk about the caps totally disintegrating while the towers collapsed at the exact same rate of speed nonetheless. Or maybe you can explain how the concrete slabs could be held in place to be pulverized into dust while the same amount of force would be plenty enough to rip out the trusses that supported the slabs beforehand. Or how the caps managed to pulverize a fulcrum that they weren't even touching? No? Then you're sort of on the wrong side to be talking about "bad science."

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Koka
however it does contain a bone with a lot of meat on.

The problem with this is that any of the valid claims are debunked by association in the publics mind.

Think if David Icke or Billy Meiers said that the sun comes up every morning, some peoiple would think this is untrue because of other things they have said. Like "Would you trust anything someone who believes reptilians rule the planet says?"

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
Doesn’t it goes as far a as saying that a missile hit a military plane moments before hitting the Pentagon?

No, nothing of such.

I think this is a positive move towards releaving what REALLY happened in 9/11.

Personally, I'd like to know who paid to have it aired.

posted on Jan, 6 2006 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
And I have yet to see you post a single post of substance, let alone point out so-called "bad science."

Nice tactic for a losing argument there buddy. Personal attacks always strengthen your side.

Here. Read my last post there, it points out most of the bad science in the eyewitness video.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by LeftBehind

Originally posted by bsbray11
Me either. They need to air something a little more fact-based than In Plane Sight.

There are fact based documentaries on the demolition theory?


I have yet to see one that doesn't make outlandish claims and use bad science.

Truth sream in the WINAMP player (download free at they send out lots of documentary evidence, hard video photo and testimonial evidence.
In the winamp player choose in media library (ml button) "online media", then "shoutcast t.v." genre "truth" then" truthstream".
It has every retracted newscast on the day and a lot of inside and expert testimony as well as that of journalists being forced underground. Familiar faces so as Christian Amanpour even.
It sends out 24/7 but unfortunately lately because of funding problems they send out La Rouche web castsd to earn money but a patient watcher will learn much.

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