posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 08:51 AM
I hope the best for you and her.
""""The only things I can think of is
#1 How is the family life? good/ok/bad/very distubing.
#2 Does she have anyone watching her that may, and I'm sorry to ask, but shouldn't be watching her if you know what I mean. That sounds to me like
somthing that a kid would do if molestation was occuring. (talking from experiance) Not to scare or hurt your feelings.
#3 How are the friends she hangs around.
I hope the best for you, and her."""""""
IN RESPONCE life is very good, she is a very happy little girl
she is active i,e ballet , brownies ect
2. i really believe there is no way this could be happening, my sister is very protective and has taught the children from an early age about this.
she has always told them nobody Even family members have the right to touch them or bath them
and if so to tell mummy stright away,,,
but no doubt about it...that is not an issue
3.Her friends are ok...but possible worth watching more closely
thanks for your comments
and i understand your point for concern,
its good to know people do bring up that sort of issue
which can be a hard thing to say
[Edited on 3-10-2003 by asala]