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2006 Your Thoughts And Predictions for the new year

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posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 03:24 PM
Personaly i think 2006 is going to be a bit of a funny year dont realy know whats going to happen, like the predictions of nuclear war,natural disasters and so on lets hear your thoughts! Thanx

[edit on 31-12-2005 by matrix 333]

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 03:25 PM
I think the 7 year tribulation starts tomorrow.

Other than that - I don't really have any predictions. lmao

May the force be with us.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 03:30 PM
I think we are heading for hard times once more next year, usually even years bring great times to me and my family but I have a gut feeling about the next one that is keeping me from feeling happy.

Truly I have nothing to be sad about really, I should be dancing in the streets, but I can't and I trying very hard to find out what it is.

Perhaps if something is about to happen and we should call it tribulation like Val said, then maybe that is the feeling I am having, is like a dark cloud heading our way.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 03:51 PM
-ATS will continue to grow and prosper.
-There will be a revised/amended John Titor American Civil War prediction.
-Iran will not be invaded.
-Iran will continue to move towards acquiring nuclear weapons.
-Iran will be sanctioned by the UN.
-Iraq will continue its growth economically and continue as a thriving nation.
-The US and Coalition will start reducing troop numbers in Iraq.
-A Palestinian state will be on the verge of actuality.
-There will be no nuclear war among nations.
-The Bush impeachment platform will gather momentum, but actual impeachment will not happen.
-NYTimes stocks will continue to plummet, possibly reaching an all time low.
-NYTimes will cut newsroom staff by 25%+/-.
-Google stock will take a hit.
-CNET will be bought out.
-Bible codes will continue to falter, fail, and be shown as crap.
-Egypt and perhaps Saudi Arabia will earnestly begin their own pursuance of nuclear weapons.
-The Blogsphere will continue to grow at an unprecedented rate.
-Research in alternative energy will gain significant momentum.
-'End of the world' doomsayers will continue to predict the 'end is near.'

edit for hasty spelling errors


[edit on 31-12-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
-ATS will continue to grow and prosper.
-There will be a revised/amended John Titor American Civil War prediction.
-Iran will not be invaded.
-Iran will continue to move towards acquiring nuclear weapons.
-Iran will be sanctioned by the UN.
-Iraq will continue its growth economically and continue as a thriving nation.
-The US and Coalition will start reducing troop numbers in Iraq.
-A Palestinian state will be on the verge of actuality.
-There will be no nuclear war among nations.
-The Bush impeachment platform will gather momentum, but actual impeachment will not happen.
-NYTimes stocks will continue to plummet, possibly reaching an all time low.
-NYTimes will cut newsroom staff by 25%+/-.
-Google stock will take a hit.
-CNET will be bought out.
-Bible codes will continue to falter, fail, and be shown as crap.
-Egypt and perhaps Saudi Arabia will earnestly begin their own pursuance of nuclear weapons.
-The Blogsphere will continue to grow at an unprecedented rate.
-Research in alternative energy will gain significant momentum.
-'End of the world' doomsayers will continue to predict the 'end is near.'

edit for hasty spelling errors


[edit on 31-12-2005 by Seekerof]

good, but most of all, REALISTIC predictions. couldnt of though of better ones my self

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 04:42 PM
Ok time for my crazy predictions.

-Coalalition troops pull out of Iraq, only for Iraq to have an internal revolution that will usher in a religious extremist goverment. Thus taking us back to square one with Iraq.
-Isreal will perform an airstrike of Iranian nuclear facilities. Iran will declare war, however due to logistics, nothing will actually happen.
-Russia unviels some new projects, and steadily begins to regain power.
-China continues to steadily gain power.
-North Korea continues to make nuclear related threats. They are ignored and dismissed as crackpot statements as usual.
-Gas prices continue to rise, Detroit finally begins to produce more energy efficent cars. Thus kicking the American automotive back into gear.
-Political instability in Saudi Arabia. US assists whichever side that promises cheaper gas prices.
-Hugo Chavez has a mysterious accident resulting in his death.
-European Union continues to gain power over member nations, meets stiff resistance from British populace.
-John McCain becomes more publicized in preparation to run in 2008 presidential elections.
-Hilary Clinton also becomes more publicized in preparation for 2008 elections.
-JSF project continues to make progress.
-Price drops on F-22's.
-No nuclear war.
-UN does nothing of signifigance.
-PS3 comes out, has typical early production glitches but is neck to neck with X-Box 360 sales.
-Nintendo Revolution unvieled Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks to strategy of not directly competing with the other systems along with low price, Revolution sells quite well and is more successful than Gamecube.
-Signifigant advances in cybernetics and neural chips are made.
-Thousands of ATSers laugh at people who believed the John Titor crap.
-ATSTV unvieled, ATS membership doubles in 2006.
-Hollywood continues to make low quality movies. Most are remakes and sequels.
-Seekerof becomes a moderator.
-Wall between US and Mexico is built. Mexico continues to complain but their efforts result in nothing.
-US economy continues to improve and does quite well in 2006.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:22 PM
I predict people who post on ATS will see conspiracies every where they look.

Have a Great time doing it in 2006!


posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:32 PM
I predict severe weather on an increasing scale. An even more intense hurricane season will seem normal after drought on the prairies, high rainfall in the rockies and the west coast in general, and also horrid heat waves over the northeast. Europe will continue to become a colder place to live, even after an unusually snowy winter.

There will be more repercussions from the Indonesian earthquake event which will cause more quakes worldwide, even in places where there has been relative quiet such as the New Madrid. This event of a year ago will also precipitate more volcanic activity.

I predict a worsening relationship between Mexico, Canada and the United States, which will cause many to fear for their safety. All North Americans will not feel safe, as rights and freedoms are increasingly stripped from individuals. The relationship between the populations and the governments will come close to the breaking point, making many believe Titor might have been onto something.

Also, there will be a huge cry about the lack of fish stock in the world's oceans. What was once perceived as an unlimited food source for much of the world will fail, as the ability to finance the harvesting will be hampered by the reduced compensation of much smaller catches.

Oil prices will go past $100us early in the new year with all the fallout that can produce.

Potable water will become a huge issue.

Ethnic fighting, as we saw in France and Australia, will escalate in major cities around the world. Canada and America will see the same violence which will be happening in England, Holland and Spain, to name a few.

I don't see a global war...yet, but conflict will increase regionally, especially in Africa and the Middle East. There will also be unrest sparked in Southern Russia and the Balkans as Islamic radicals attempt to gain their autonomy. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries in the Far East will experience increasing violence due to the same problem. Radicalism will be exported from Middle Eastern countries to those regions.

We'll all be looking to new technologies such as hybred cars and cleaner energy production as the conditions of the atmosphere deteriorate. It will finally be established that global warming is a fact and all debate on that subject will cease, leaving everybody scratching their heads as to why they didn't really see it coming.

Abovetopsecret will become the mainstream media with it's membership regarded as the 'Ultimate Think Tank'. The Three Amigos will be doing speaking engagements around the world. Thomas Crowne will be Vice President to the United States of America and William One Sac will hold office as the Editor in Chief of all American Media venues. I have no idea what the rest of the super moderators, moderators etc. will be doing, but they're a good bunch, so they'll find a spot in world affairs.

cheerio...and Happy New Year everybody!!!!

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:41 PM
A biological agent will get loose on the east coast, sicken and kill thousands.

West Nile will resurface, mutate, sicken and kill thousands in the Southern US.

Yellowstone will blow and wipe out those that are left with ash 4 ft. deep over the SW and midwest depending on the prevailing winds.

At the same time as Yellowstone blows, the west Coast will suffer the Big One they have been waiting for.

The Mexicans and Canadians will build a wall to keep out the survivors.

Other than that things pretty much remain the same as in 2005.

[edit on 31-12-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:44 PM
There will be 3 major earthquakes, 3 major hurricanes and 3 outbreaks of tornadoes, that will affect populated areas.

politics will remain the same, no major upsets or changes, towards the mid to end of the year, there will be something that causes a little political ruckus in congress and the house but it will quickly fade from memory like everything else.

I worldwatcher will have to board up the house and make ready for one of the major landfalling hurricanes at least twice in 2006, however both times, i will be spared the brunt or worst of it.

other than the above, everything will go on as the same... and NO there won't be alien disclosure from any government in 2006.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 05:49 PM
I expect 2006 to to be just like any other year. I can't say specific predictions but can state that 2006 will bring more disasters, more death,more hardships,more unexplainables,more heros and hopefully more good. Just like any other year in a world such as the one we must try and live.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 06:43 PM
Well, I don't like making predictions, but there's still a lot for the US to do in the world, and we haven't had a 9/11 in a few years. I'm no prophet but I wonder. If the weather trend from the past 2 or 3 years continues, then we should see the same kinds of freakish hurricanes around the Gulf. We should see the standard natural disasters anyway. Those happen every year.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 06:52 PM
There will probably be a few terrorist attacks by "al Qaeda" in western countries, most likely in the US, to strenghten the theory of the threat of international terrorism, and it will nudge western countries, the US, UK and Australia in particular, a few more steps towards becoming police states.

Iran will probably agree with Russia on the enrichment thing and thus Israel will not attack Iran, and neither will the US. However, I think Iran will acquire nuclear weapons anyhow.

Oil prices will rise, as usual.

And that's all I have for now.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:33 PM
I believe 2006 will be the year:

-The pope is found out to be a transvestite.

-The skeleton of a one eyed giant is found on an island in the Aegean Sea

-Pres. George W. Bush is found out to be a reptilian.

-And his supposed Dog will be found to be a mutant Ewok

-A large reserve of oil is discovered under the Capitol building, but drilling is ruled out

-New recreational drugs that can be manufactured anywhere will spread.

-Aliens will land in Tehran and ask to be taken to our leaders, but instead will be beheaded as infidel spies of the U.S. in the city square sparking a galactic war.

-Earth will be destroyed because of the prior prediction.

[edit on 12/31/2005 by bodebliss]

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 08:43 PM
Well I don't think Iran will be invaded for one. Russia and China will come up with soemthing new and be a big power. Many more but I tihnk they have been mentioned above lol.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:02 PM
In many respects things have gone from bad to worse since like 98/99. To be honest, it has made me suspect that there could be something powerful about the collective expectations of mankind. Everyone who is easily rattled began to worry in '98/'99. There was something about that inverted 666 in the date, and the coming of a new millenium. Everytime we start focusing on something, it seems to happen. Look at the hurricane season after "Day After Tomorrow" was produced.

I don't know if it's being caused or only percieved, and I don't know what the mechanics of it are. I do however believe that we will at least percieve 2006 as a very bad year.

The storm season may very well begin very early in 2006, but won't necessarily go late this time. Historical patterns make that a reasonable possibility- but it will be viewed as something sinister and new. Some may even posit (though not very believably) that the Hurricane Season never really ended between 2005 and 2006.

Democrats will win a commanding victory in the congressional elections in November. Even an impeachment is unlikely, but will be very much talked about and may be attempted.

By the end of 2006, we'll know almost exactly when the troops are coming home from Iraq. Militarily, the winter of 2006-2007 is going to feel kind of like 1968, but it won't take 4-5 years to get out from that point. I'm not expecting a tet-like event, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that Iran will try to orchestrate one. Bush may try to pull an October surpise similar to Johnson's cease-fire by unexpectedly announcing a large force reduction. This would be ill-advised for the Republicans though- it would be an admission of fault in their previous stances.

There is a possibility of trouble with Iran in the Spring. If the bluster is correct, Spring is definately the time for a war in the Middle East. The result could be an oil crisis if that happens.

Even if it doesn't happen, gas will spike again, as it has virtually every year in recent memory. It will go up over $3 dollars in California and the other high-price markets, then settle back down. I think they're starting to realize that people cut back on their driving whenever it gets close to 3 bucks- but they still think they can acclimate us to it if they bump it up, then cut it half way back down again.

I don't expect a terrorist event on the order of 9/11 and I can tell you why. Al Qaida expected a lot more than they got out of 9/11. They overestimated the importance of the WTC to our financial infrastructure. At this point they've got several years worth of very detailed planning to do. Even with nukes, they won't be getting the yield they want or probably the airburst either, so they'll need to place them very well. For this reason, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they didn't wait a decade or more to really hit us hard again. For now they'll settle for trying to chase the Europeans away from us with smaller attacks so that we can't maintain a presence in the middle east.

The flavor of the year in terms of disasters may shift away from Hurricanes despite oddities in that arena because it's getting old. Earthquakes are unlikely replacements because they aren't regular enough and don't last very long in the news. If we have a bad tornado season, that will be the story, really it's more likely that we'll see some rough business in the pacific, and a preoccupation will arise with the unlikely possibility that the Western US or Mexico may actually start seeing tropical storms (A hurricane actually did hit off the coast of San Diego once, long long ago). If there were to be a strong El Nino coupled with unseasonably warm weather in late 2006, especially after an early start to the Hurricane season, a bad rainy season in the fall/winter could fuel speculation of the phenomenon I mentioned above. All in all, it's pretty unlikely though.

The Vagabond will earn the second 4.0 of his academic life, and probably won't threaten to kick the snot out of any professors this time, because he really felt bad about that incident after the fact last time.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 09:39 PM
Oh, I almost forgot the interesting part. Columbia is going to have a rough year. There's a chance that FARC really will try the "final offensive" they've been bragging about, aimed at less than a complete conquest of the nation. They might try to gain control of a few border provinces, particularly where the oil is, and declare independence, with the recognition of Venezeula, Cuba, and maybe Bolivia. It seems unlikely but it would be huge if it happened. What if a majority of a few captured provinces were to vote for annexation to Venezuela???

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 08:28 PM
Here are my predictions

Media and Entertainment:
- The Movies being released in 2006 are going to have great special effects.. unfortnately, they are going to lack a plot and originality. basically another bad year for the movie industry
- iPods will come down in price to encourage more online downloads and Music Kiosks in the US will probably be seen in some select major North American and European cities towards the end of 2006.
- Some really cool video games will be announced for Xbox 360, PS3 and Nintendo Revolutions. Too bad these video games wouldn't be release until late 2007 early 2008!!

- Biggest social attack on Christianity due to the movie "The Da Vinci Code" being released in May 2006. People not interested in reading will see the movie and take it as reality.

- Judge Alito will get confirmed, another Supreme Court Judge will step down or retire, creating another opening.

- Iran will continue to push the envelope with thier nuclear program while the Nations of the World do nothing.

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