posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 12:41 AM
so a few years ago i was dumped for cheating and lying, at first i was a jerk and kept making it her fault and just became angry at all women.
but i guess losing her hurt so much it snapped me out of it and i just began thinking over what i did, how i was thinking, how wonderful she is, how
i betrayed her,etc and slowly but surely saw the truth and changed everything, my thinking and try to do what i think would make her proud.
now after 2 years whenever i think of her i cry and just begin missing her, infact yeterday she said hi and stuff after a long time and i was
surprised how happy just a few words made me, anyways, i just dont know what to do to get over her or get her back or anything, i still love her and
it drives me crazy....:bnghd: