YO.... the little info i got on HCV, came by way of VA Clinic
One printed page given out to veterans has the statement, underlined for emphasis,
~~~~published by National Center for Infectious Diseases....(888)4-HEP-CDC, dtd 1/29/01~~~~
There is however....licensed drug treatments for those who blood test positive for HCV...its known as INTERON A (interferon Alpha-2b. Recombinant- for
The VA has established 2 new Hepatitis C Centers of Excellence~~in Miami and San Franscisco.
experience has presented this:
my VA Clinic Dr. had normal blood tests done to me, 6 mo later informed i had HCV, fill out forms & releases to participate in this INTERON A
program...I have funny feeling about this 'charade'...avoid going to Charleston VA Hosp &/or signing up to take this drug program
1 yr later, my Clinic Dr. has Parkinsons, leaves the military....his replacement, scanning my records, takes blood tests TWICE, diagnosis--> no HCV,
he accidently expressed a grave bewilderment at how i was deemed a HCV carrier/patient, put in the records at CDC--and how i was prodded to
'volunteer' for INTERION A
the whisper now is that INTERION A was an experiment and was found ineffective at that!!
there might still be the web site:: www.beincharge.com
but i'm not going to get cookies, & CDC, tracking me!!!
all-in-all, just another human guinea pig ploy, mind control, experiments, behavior mod, manipulations...
they'll keep inventing more Heps beyond F 1&2...in actuality all these theoretical HCV and HEV, HFV1 are all suppositions...just presumed 'twists'
of the proven, clinical Hep's A & B...
be careful & ON-GUARD.....peace
s/riff raff