posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 10:27 AM
Hey everyone, as most of you know i'm a little bit of a skeptic when it comes to this sort of stuff, but i have an open mind. Well this is pretty
much my story. It was in spring time last year, and it was around 2 AM, I was at one of my redneck friend's house and we were playing hide n go seek
in his 8 acre land area, with a lake near the end of his property. So anyway i'm hiding out, and i hear a pile of leaves crumble, and i grab my
flashlight and i shine it upon this thing that's like 8 ft tall. I was thinking to myself, "what the hell?" it seemed to be all bare, no hair like
bigfoot, and it just quickly disappeared. i didn't get a chance to look at its face. It was really bizarre. It's skin was like light green going on
to white. it was really screwed up. now i'm not sure what it was but i know it happened and i wasn't drunk.