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Twisted Religion?

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posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 06:50 AM
I don’t have a bunch of links with info to prove anything, and I'm not really trying to prove anything here, so by no means think that I’m stating that I think this is fact.
And I searched, and with the search words I used, I didn’t see anything on this. So if it’s been posted before, so sorry =)

Anyway, I was watching a video, and it was talking about Freemasonry and anything that wasn’t normal about Freemason rituals and whatnot, they insisted was Satanic or about worshipping Demons. Now I’ve learned a fair amount of things about Freemasonry, and a lot of the things that get called Satanic, are not Satanic, but simply from older religions and cultures like Egypt and with Horus and Osirus and not of Christian origin, and if that’s the case, they cant really be Satanic. I mention this, because it shows how loosely the label of Satanic is used to describe anything foreign to the norm.
I was watching a video that was talking about The New World Order and how its got everyone confused and nobody knows it, but were all being controlled one way or another and they seem to want to blame this on The Illuminati or the Freemasons.

I don’t believe in Christianity, but sometimes I wonder if I’m wrong, and Christianity is possibly the one true faith, and I also think about things like the fact that Lucifer meant Bringer of Light. In a lot of cultures and religions, light has always been considered a sign of intelligence and higher beings, hence the halos over all the saints head and the word Illuminati etc.
Lucifer rebelled against God and simply left heaven. His job in heaven was to tempt humans, so he naturally had a bad reputation. And as far as I know, going to hell after you die if interoperated correctly is simply not being in the presents of God after you die. It’s not a terrible place where you’re tortured for eternity.
The whole enlightenment and light representing knowledge is kept in mind, what if God was actually the bad guy, and not Lucifer? God has been known to do some vengeful and spiteful things. In the bible after Moses talks to God and takes the Jews into Exile, they slay entire cities and Moses says it was on Gods command.
What if God was the bad guy, and Lucifer was the one who was enlightened enough to rebel against him because of it?
What if God was intentionally trying to keep man at a certain level, and it was possible for man to become very similar to God and he didn’t want us to attain that knowledge or some get to his level, but Satan thought it was wrong, and he was actually the good guy in the whole situation. From the beginning of time Christianity has persecuted and warred against people who challenged the ideas of Christianity with intelligent ideas that weren’t yet known nor had a chance to be interoperated by the church.

Basically, I’m just posting to get a conversation started on the idea that maybe Lucifer was the actual good guy from the beginning, and God was the bad guy.

As you can tell, I suck at writing and making things make sense, but I tried

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 07:29 AM
You are right with regards to the occultic practices of that of egypt, ie horus/osiris etc...

Satanism is a practice where satan is worshipped. TRUE satanism is that of worship of the reptilian beings in the physical or astral reams. Involves demonic possesion etc..... This is what is followed by the elite.

There is a thing called 'The Unholy Trinity'
In actuality, for every human thought form, god has to think this as well, so if insanity exists, god must be insane. This has to be true for god to be 'perfect'. This is meant in relation to god knowing 'everything'.

Insanity is part of god represented by physical reality. 99.9% of all realities within god are non-physical, its the sanity aspect of it, the rest is physical realities and the insanity aspect of it.

People on physical reality are there for god to experience this part of itself, and thus the chaotic state of earth and the rest of the physical universe.

Kind Regards

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 08:27 AM
I think an important point to keep in mind also is that the story of a rebelling angel named Lucifer is legendary, not biblical. It is not necessary to believe this story in order to be a Christian, or to believe in the Bible; in actuality, the one more learns about the Bible, the more one sees that this particular story is fictional.

"Lucifer" appears nowhere in the original biblical manuscripts. It appears once in the Vulgate and KJV, but refers to the babylonian king, not a demon.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 09:21 AM
Good topic Taskism.

I struggle with some of the same questions except I'm 100% that there is a conspiracy to create a fascist global government aka NWO. This I'm sure of.

When modern Christianitys' heavy pagan influence was made clear to me through the early manipulations of Constantine,I started to even question if Jesus Christ existed in the flesh or was he just a rehash of ancient sun-worshipping cults. Check out this excerpt and the intro text below and be mindful of Mithra:

"[Jesus] was a savior-god, after the manner of Osiris, and Attis, a Mithra. Like them, he belonged by his origin to the celestial world; like them, he had made his appearance on the earth; like them, he had accomplished a work of universal redemption, efficacious and typical; like Adonis, Osiris, and Attis he ha died a violent death, and like them he had returned to life; like them, he ad prefigured in his lot that of the human beings who should take part in his worship, and commemorate his mystic enterprise; like them, he had predetermined, prepared, and assured the salvation of those who became partners in his passion." [Quoting A. Loisy, The Christian Mystery, in: The Hibbert Journal, 10(1911 - 12), 51]


Before the time of Constantine the ancient world was a virtual cornucopia of different religions and cults that existed all over the Roman Empire and eastward into China and India. As a result of these competing doctrines "when Christianity was only one of several dozen foreign Eastern cults struggling for recognition in Rome, the religious dualism and dogmatic moral teaching of Mithraism set it apart from other sects, creating a stability previously unknown in Roman paganism" (Mithras in the Roman Empire). The striking parallels to Christianity in Mithraism have long been pointed out, for Mithras was said to have been: born of a virgin birth, had twelve followers or disciples, was killed and resurrected, performed miracles, and was known as mankind's savior who was called the light of the world and his virgin birth occurred on December 25. Indeed, the resemblances are so striking in that all of the Christian mysteries were known nearly five hundred years before the birth of Christ that later church fathers claimed that Satan had created all of this prior to Christ's birth so as to confuse the laity. In regard to Mithras Nabaraz wrote:

According to Persian traditions, the god Mithras was actually incarnated into the human form of the Saviour expected by Zarathustra. Mithras was born of Anahita, an immaculate virgin mother once worshipped as a fertility goddess before the hierarchical reformation. Anahita was said to have conceived the Saviour from the seed of Zarathustra preserved in the waters of Lake Hamun in the Persian province of Sistan. Mithra's ascension to heaven was said to have occurred in 208 B.C., 64 years after his birth. This birth took place in a cave or grotto, where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts, at the winter solstice. This is based on an older myth about birth of Mithra, that his magical birth at the dawn of time was from a rock from which he formed himself using his Will. He holds in his hand a dagger and a torch. A statue from Housesteads shows Mithras being born from the rock while the twelve signs of the zodiac surround him, showing his image as a stellar god who rules the cosmos even at his birth. A serpent [is at] times shown to be coiled around…Mithras or [his] birth stone/egg. (Mithras and Mithraism) When Mithraism became the chief religion in the late Roman Empire, Mithras was called Sol Invictus, or the invincible sun. The eye of Mithras was the sun itself (Mithras, the Soldier's God). The players are now complete for the incredible transformation of Constantine.


In the 32nd degree of Freemasonry,the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret,Mithra is used heavily. Origins of religion are one of the alleged mysteries that Freemasonrys' degrees hold locked in symbolism. Christian researchers consider this blasphemous and immediately draw links to Satanism. In talking to a few masons who know about Mithra through Freemasonry,they also point out that Jesus never existed and Christianity and the Bible are merely a collection of ancient myths. So that's why I said in an another post that masons who enter the Craft as Christians usually don't stay that way as they reach the pinnacle of masonic light an become drenched in the Mithra realization. This is also probably yet another reason why the Church has a problem with Freemasonry.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 09:58 AM
Tell me Snake, how did you come to these conclusions on Mithraism?

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Tell me Snake, how did you come to these conclusions on Mithraism?

Which conclusion in particular,Weapon X? I've stated many.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Snake Plissken

Originally posted by intrepid
Tell me Snake, how did you come to these conclusions on Mithraism?

Which conclusion in particular,Weapon X? I've stated many.



Before the time of Constantine the ancient world was a virtual cornucopia of different religions and cults that existed all over the Roman Empire and eastward into China and India. As a result of these competing doctrines "when Christianity was only one of several dozen foreign Eastern cults struggling for recognition in Rome, the religious dualism and dogmatic moral teaching of Mithraism set it apart from other sects, creating a stability previously unknown in Roman paganism" (Mithras in the Roman Empire). The striking parallels to Christianity in Mithraism have long been pointed out, for Mithras was said to have been: born of a virgin birth, had twelve followers or disciples, was killed and resurrected, performed miracles, and was known as mankind's savior who was called the light of the world and his virgin birth occurred on December 25. Indeed, the resemblances are so striking in that all of the Christian mysteries were known nearly five hundred years before the birth of Christ that later church fathers claimed that Satan had created all of this prior to Christ's birth so as to confuse the laity. In regard to Mithras Nabaraz wrote:

According to Persian traditions, the god Mithras was actually incarnated into the human form of the Saviour expected by Zarathustra. Mithras was born of Anahita, an immaculate virgin mother once worshipped as a fertility goddess before the hierarchical reformation. Anahita was said to have conceived the Saviour from the seed of Zarathustra preserved in the waters of Lake Hamun in the Persian province of Sistan. Mithra's ascension to heaven was said to have occurred in 208 B.C., 64 years after his birth. This birth took place in a cave or grotto, where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts, at the winter solstice. This is based on an older myth about birth of Mithra, that his magical birth at the dawn of time was from a rock from which he formed himself using his Will. He holds in his hand a dagger and a torch. A statue from Housesteads shows Mithras being born from the rock while the twelve signs of the zodiac surround him, showing his image as a stellar god who rules the cosmos even at his birth. A serpent [is at] times shown to be coiled around…Mithras or [his] birth stone/egg. (Mithras and Mithraism) When Mithraism became the chief religion in the late Roman Empire, Mithras was called Sol Invictus, or the invincible sun. The eye of Mithras was the sun itself (Mithras, the Soldier's God). The players are now complete for the incredible transformation of Constantine.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 11:52 AM
Weapon X-

The text you highlighted wasn't a conclusion I reached but more of a general description of Mithraism(hence the title) to set the stage for my questioning of Jesus,pointing out some of the similarities between that cult and the Jesus story.

These sites do a better job of presenting said case:

The conclusions I personally drew are the text under "NOTE:" and that Christianity has a heavy pagan influence as readily seen by Christian holidays with face lifts being layered over pagan festive dates no doubt attributed to ex-pagan Christian convert Constantine.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 11:56 AM
So what I quoted 2 posts up aren't your words? If not, where did they come from?

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
So what I quoted 2 posts up aren't your words? If not, where did they come from?

Not 100% but I think from one of the links leading off this site > :

Do you have any opinion on the alleged Mithra/Jesus similarities?

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Snake Plissken

Originally posted by intrepid
So what I quoted 2 posts up aren't your words? If not, where did they come from?

Not 100% but I think from one of the links leading off this site > :

Do you have any opinion on the alleged Mithra/Jesus similarities?

WRONG ANSWER. You're right about "Not 100%" but you didn't add the truth, 0%. Complete copy and paste from:

Start at Mithraism. Word for word. That's plagiarism. Look it up. That's stealing and taking credit for anothers hard work and one of the worst breaches of the T&C.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Taskism
Anyway, I was watching a video, and it was talking about Freemasonry and anything that wasn’t normal about Freemason rituals and whatnot, they insisted was Satanic or about worshipping Demons. Now I’ve learned a fair amount of things about Freemasonry, and a lot of the things that get called Satanic, are not Satanic, but simply from older religions and cultures like Egypt and with Horus and Osirus and not of Christian origin, and if that’s the case, they cant really be Satanic. I mention this, because it shows how loosely the label of Satanic is used to describe anything foreign to the norm.

Yes. I think this comes from an ingrained generally held image of paganism, in that anything non-Christian, or pagan, is essentially satanic. In fact, 'paganism' is simply a catch-all definition of any non-Abrahamic religion or belief system.

I think because of the negative propaganda by the persecuting Christian Church, beliefs such as Wicca and Druidism have been mis-represented as Satanic and 'evil'. This image still persists today - the stereotypical Witch, the twisted, horrible old hag casting evil spells - and anyone who saw the recent episode of the US TV show 'Trading Spouses', with over-zealous Christian housewife Margarite Perrin, will see how some people who call themselves Christian are anything but, and have a most bizarre and ignorant phobia of anything they don't understand with concerns to pagan beliefs.

Originally posted by Taskism
I don’t believe in Christianity, but sometimes I wonder if I’m wrong, and Christianity is possibly the one true faith, and I also think about things like the fact that Lucifer meant Bringer of Light. In a lot of cultures and religions, light has always been considered a sign of intelligence and higher beings, hence the halos over all the saints head and the word Illuminati etc.

I wouldn't be so quick to take these things literally: Lucifer has long been associated with The Morning/Evening Star, the planet Venus

The Pentagram is also associated with the planet Venus, and is also commonly believed/used as a Satanic symbol in popular culture.

Lucifer as a fallen angel, fits within the Solar allegory of Jesus's life.

Originally posted by Taskism
Basically, I’m just posting to get a conversation started on the idea that maybe Lucifer was the actual good guy from the beginning, and God was the bad guy.

It's an interesting idea that the Biblical God is not working to our best intentions, considering the divide and conquer attitude he seems to possess in the Bible, not to mention the amount of murder and wars waged in his name.

Before asking if the Biblical God is a good guy, it would be fitting to ask if the Biblical God, is THE God, and not A god, or just a power person/being.

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