posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 11:30 PM
It is not a police state I am worried about. Heck we already live in a police state, even here in Michigan there are cameras on the stoplights and
else where.
Sure they are supposed to be for snapping pictures of people running red lights, and they are, but nothing can ever just be used for what it was
intended, can it. With the plain clothes police grants the nations cities have received recently, there are now as many undercover or more than
uniformed. Not to mention I doubt much needs to be said about the "domestic spying" information that has circulated.
A Military state is what has me worried, honestly, how many people other than us ATSers would be ready to deal with a full blown national declaration
of MARTIAL LAW, let alone any idea of the implications. FEMAs recent and let me say well covered up inability will be nothing. Forget about
the police state, because then even the police don't have authority.
In the past (Abraham Lincoln), both declarations of martial law were found unconstitutional. A national emergency never has.