posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 06:07 PM
Hi everyone! Yeah, I joined a while ago but I mainly spend my time lurking the forums and I must say that AboveTopSecret is a very impressive forum.
I'm a very hardcore gamer and currently a college student. I've been gaming since I was two years old from old IBM's, to the NES, and now I mainly
focus on PC titles.
I've played pretty much every game from Caveman Olympic, to Super Mario Brothers, and even the very old Mac classic 'Pathways Into Darkness'.
As far as interests go, besides gaming mind you, would have to be computers. I built my own computer maybe a year or two ago and am currently
working on building a newer one, though I don't think it would really be worth it considering the technology leap from my current computer to a new
one would be worth it.
As far as ATS stuff, I'm attracted mainly to aliens and UFOs. My only problem is that, well, after too much of that stuff I begin to hurt. It's
sort of masochistic but it's just to further my own personal knowledge. If I want information but can't get it due to 'the pain', I'll
temporarly employ a friend to do the reading for me and the just sum it all up for me afterwards.
But yeah. I'll probably lurk the forum most of the time however I'll most likely be a regular under the gaming forum on BTS.
With all that said, I'm happy to be here. And I thank all who take the time to read the above.