posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 04:05 PM
-People are the best guinae pigs for strengthening you ability to recognize energy signatures.People need different sources of energy to exsist on
different levels-
lol. This I know well. It is a bit horrible though, messing with people, theres bad karma in that and it can leave you feeling guilty. I could tell
you a few stories belive me.
I like that thought though, people need diffrent energies... what makes them (the energies) so diffrent though? i can mess with sexual energy because
its the most easy to feel but others would have to be felt and understood. Anger is another easy one - Envy etc etc some are related I guess but still
tough to read, especially on trains and buses where I tend to (or used to) try it
Might take up a martial art of some sort to maintain a flow of
What do you think of Buddasm? With your thoughts on things it seems as though it'd be something you're into.