posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 09:09 PM
Hello and best wishes to all. Yea- Me moshegirl but I am man. Old- 50's. Suffering mid to late life crisis....really rather still be in my teens and
unconscious of what is/was to be. Allow me to give you a taste. Had my first screening for colon cancer last week. Frightfull experience let me tell
you. The magic number is 50. This is the age when a Doc will encourage a male to suffer the indignity of colonscopy. I pretty much freaked out on the
table. This event and others signal for me the coming to close of an eventfull yet short life here on earth. I really don't want to leave yet it
seems I have no choice in the matter. Twenty- maybe 25 good years left before I will lay down for the last time. Real bummer.....
On the lighter side I have had some greate experiences as a human. I had several loves- quite remarkable given my poor looks. I participated in war
and was nearly blown to hell by a RPG (rocket propelled grenade) and lived. Had loving parents and four sisters to harrass while we were children. I
could go on but I am boring myself. If you have come this far with me thank you for your time....
Edit: Questionable content.
[edit on 22-12-2005 by intrepid]