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Record US greenhouse gas emissions in 2004

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posted on Dec, 21 2005 @ 07:24 AM
"Greenhouse gas emissions by the US reached their highest annual total on record in 2004.

A report released by the US department of energy on Monday revealed that the emissions rose by 2% in 2004, from 6983 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2003, to 7122 million tonnes. This output is the highest annual total so far recorded by the US, says the UK’s premier science academy, the Royal Society."

Typical, no mention that the great EU failed to meet its target Kyoto emissions goal, or the staggering amount of emissions coming from China or India. How about a comparison to the emissions from a single volcano? That dwarfs industrial emissions................

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 05:31 PM
Yep. The U.S. emissions are up a whopping 13%.

Of course, Spain is up 40% since signing kyoto, but because they signed it doesn't count...

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by thermopolis
How about a comparison to the emissions from a single volcano? That dwarfs industrial emissions................

Exactly...So why bother mentioning it?

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by KhieuSamphan

Originally posted by thermopolis
How about a comparison to the emissions from a single volcano? That dwarfs industrial emissions................

Exactly...So why bother mentioning it?

Because I tire of the insane drumbeat of man=greenhouse=globalwarming. Yes global climate change is real, man is contributing but not from greenhouse gases.

In my opinion solar supermax = 90% man 10%.

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by thermopolis
Typical, no mention that the great EU failed to meet its target Kyoto emissions goal, or the staggering amount of emissions coming from China or India.

Of interest may be this article?
I found it rather enlightening.

For the time being, then, Kyoto is essentially a western European proposition. With the Bush Administration and Australia opting out and the developing world no longer being asked to join, the European Union stands as the default supplier of signatories who are in a position to make significant reductions in carbon emissions. This seems anomalous, as China and India together send more tons of carbon into the atmosphere than all of western Europe combined, and the U.S. accounts for more than China and India together.

And yet it appears that even western Europe is not reducing emissions. The Kyoto rules say that western Europe must get their emissions to a level 8% below those prevailing in 1990. But virtually all those countries--the only significant exception is Germany--are going in the wrong direction. The latest available data, covering emissions through 2003, tell us that in the years since the treaty was negotiated, carbon dioxide levels increased by 7% in France, 11% in Italy and 29% in Spain. The increase for western Europe as a whole was 5.4%.

After many years of European chatter about the monstrous evil perpetrated by George W. Bush in rejecting Kyoto, it is of possible interest that the increase in carbon emissions in the U.S. during those years was slightly lower (4.7%).

Bye-Bye, Kyoto
Google Reference to the article



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