posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 09:40 AM
hey you guys, thank god i found you. subversives with a podcast. sweet.
so, im a musician, who makes everything from hip hop, funk, blues, metal, rock, jazz, electric, acoustic etc.
i have a collection of songs 60 deep, but there are a few i have that i think will be your kinda stuff.
below are some songs that i believe you guys will appreciate more than anyone as your minds are open and aware.
all are on the site, and all are available through podsafe
ology - speaking about scientology (rock)
sorry statesman of affairs - prez bush (acoustic blues guitar/hip hop)
schizophrenic - the state of todays news (funk/dirty blues/hip hop)
its over for you - what i think about those people who have no integrity
skin deep - cosmetic surgery (metal)
one centimetre - prostitituition (hard rock)
dead babies - the arms trade/war (blues rock/punk rock)
lucky for some - be thankful for what you have (acoustic)
tibet - speaks for itself (instrumental)
pay no mind - bullying (acoustic)
in the city - lonliness/breakdown of family (acoustic)
theres loads of stuff to look at there, lots of music, and its not all so politically/socially directed
so yeah thats me, drop by and say hello, podcast me, and ill get to searching thru this MASSIVE SITE
dave kenny aka tragic shell suit disaster
[edit on 18-12-2005 by asala]