posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:24 PM
Voter turnout was very high and violence was very low today as Iraqis participated in the democratic process. There was even reported shortages of
ballots in some areas. Sunnis turned out in large numbers, despite having been reluctant to participate in last January's elections.
Iraqis voted Thursday in one of the largest and freest elections in the Arab world, with strong turnout reported in Sunni areas and even a shortage
of ballots in some precincts. Several explosions rocked Baghdad throughout the day, but the level of violence was low. The heavy participation in the
parliamentary voting by the Sunnis, who had shunned balloting last January, bolstered U.S. hopes of calming the insurgency enough to begin withdrawing
its troops next year.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
This is one of the most positive developments in the Middle East since the liberation of Lebanon. We can only hope that democracy will take hold in
Iraq and the various factions will find ways to settle their differences without insurgencies and terror. If you've been watching television, the
interviews with jubilant Iraqis are very heartwarming, indeed, including the Iraqi woman who, raising her purple stained finger, told all the
naysayers to "Go to Hell!"
[edit on 2005/12/15 by GradyPhilpott]