posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 02:11 PM
Right now I must admit I am somewhat disapointed in him.
I sent him a very professional email tip - to his self advertised contact email address - and I never even got so much as a form letter back from him
months later.
The tip was that he should investigate Joseph Gutheinz who was a very legit NASA insider who has made some big claims against NASA regarding hidden
alien bodies to UFO magazine.
I even included the link to our research thread here regarding him:
Now I told Mr. Freidman that I believed he was an excellent person of interest because he has a long, legitamate resume that shows his close ties to
NASA, he is now teaching as a professor and can be easily reached, and because he makes specific claims about specific locations that could be
verified by independant researchers as true or false.
Why Mr. Freidman did not follow up on my lead, when he supposedly has followed up on several anonymous leads in the past honestly perplexes me.
I think it shows a lack of respect for the work we ameteur UFOlogists do here at ATS and on other websites across the Interent.
If I ever get the chance to meet the man I will tell him as much.
Perhaps someone else here might write him an email about Joseph Gutheinz and the added peerp pressure might influence him to devote some resources to
the case.
Any help from y'all would be greatly appreciated.