posted on Oct, 11 2003 @ 02:25 PM
Lieralism is the want for change in one's surroundings. Conservativism is the opposition of change. These are the basic definitions for the political
groupings. Sure, by these definitions Hitler was semi-liberal, but you can still be conservative and have one or two liberal views, can you not?
Separate, both are bad. They are extreme and have no tolerance for the other's beliefs. To one side, they are Jesus and trying to protect Earth
against Satan. It is the same to the others.
However, combined they are mighty. So you want to lower taxes yet are willing to allow gays to marry? Good for you! With those two simple beliefs, you
will please both sides without even showing all of your ideals. No one yet knows if you are a liberal centrist or a conservative centrist.
Liberalism and conservativism are much like the eastern teachings of yin and yang. Neither can sruvive without the other, although neither of them
will admit it. Hence, what are conservatives if there are no liberals to question the conservative way?
While neither liberalism or conservativism are evil, there are members in both groupings that make their groups have the illusion of evil. For
example, Lenin... He was extremely liberal(stupid commies...), but even though his beliefs were not necessarily evil(although they didn't work well,
did they?) Lenin himself certainly was. Now, I believe that he has given the illusion to conservatives that liberalism is evil. Hitler(whose beliefs
were both evil and incorrect, and he himelf was evil) did the same to liberals, and with the same effect.
If we were to discriminate against either side of the political bus, we would be depriving ourselves of well-needed second opinions. As with all
second opinions, we don't necessarily need to listen, but it is a good idea to at least take them into consideration.
So all of TC and JM's "liberals suck" and colonel's "conservatives suck" may sound good on a message board, but in real life they simply mean
that the three of them lack the common sense to just ignore those they disagree with.
Signing off,