posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 07:18 PM
Last year i was the coffin carrier for my nan. The nan that i just so happened to see die onfront of me in a hospital gasping 4 breath.
But anyway, we took the coffin to her house and said a prayer b4 we left 4 the crematorium.
As the prayer was said, i felt almost faint - really really light headed. I survived though, and carried the coffin out to the herse with my cousin
among others.
It was settled in the bk of the car and i walked over to my cousin - who i am very close to - almost like a brother - if he felt weird when the prayer
was being read out, which he replied yes. He described exatly what i had felt.
(then the rest of the day i felt fine - obviously sad, but not faint like when the lords prayer was being said in my nans house)
Can any of u suggest what this might be. Unfortunately i didnt as any others there, only my cousin but we both felt the same feeling of light
headedness, and dizzyness
Has anyone else experienced these kind of feelings during a funeral or family death ? Coz it was major weird. Thanks
[edit on 11-12-2005 by Arawn]