posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 03:44 PM
lets all hope that she isn't one of the hundreds, if not thousands of children that fell prey to the child molesters and people's trade rings that
have used, both the tsunami last year and the floodings in new orleans, as an oportunity to abduct children that would most likely be considered dead
due to the disasters with only little alarms being raized as posible child abduction cases.
It was good to see that "law and order special victims unit" had an episode about exactly that problem rather recently, where 3 kids, that lost
their parents in new orleans, had been abducted by a registered sex offender and swifted away to new york.
not only do these disasters make it posible for these people to abduct children without them ever being considered abducted, also do these situations
alow for the registered sex offenders to start a new life, taking the identity of someone that died(maybe even at their hands) during one such
(sorry for not having caps, my keyboard just went fubar :p)