posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 02:42 AM
The commercial opens.
A man, looking somewhat frankensteinian, arrives at work.
He's a little green, and his nose is twice it's normal size.
Everyone is staring at him, because he actually LOOKS like
the way he crap...
He sniffles. He's sweaty.
This man has the flu! And this dedicated employee toughed it out, and made it to work.
BUT WAIT!!! A quick trip to the break room, a dose of thera-flu.
Now he can hang out all day.
Or the man, on the bus, looking the same as the other guy..
PUBLIC transportation..
Wheezing, sneezing, coughing.
Someone hands him a Thera-flu strip, and he's good-to-go.
Off to work, then ride the bus back home.
You are SICK, you are CONTAGIOUS.
STAY HOME!! You're shedding virus all over the place...
No matter how indispensible you think you are, they can live one day
without you, at work.
Or, is it better to show up, make THEM all sick, so you can spend a say at work without half of them!!
Thera-Flu makes me sick
It just might make you sick too!