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Do alien beings have a sense of humor (?)

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posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 03:36 AM
Indeed they do...they exhibit facial features the same as Earthlings. I have seen their faces express puzzlement, mirth, friendliness, wariness, and they can smile, grimace, and grin just like us. They can say things at times that one might call humorous, abeit in their own strange manner. If they have you in their presence, they seem to have a need to express themselves to you in a way to make you feel they are "one of you" or "with you" so to speak - if that makes any sense. While some are outwardly friendly, others can be standoffish or shy towards you. I've seen their teeth, they have small perfect little teeth. Even though they all seem to look the same at first sight, they are not. One can see slight differences in their faces, and some are a bit taller or shorter. One thing they all do have in common, and is very curious, is an intense expression they exhibit at times without warning, that can be most alarming...and their eyes, which I don't believe I could ever get used to, transfix on you for a few brief seconds...why they do this I don't know!

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 03:49 AM
i reckon that humour could be an excellent way of communicating and becomming friendly with alien friends set john clease to do a show for them they will probley laugh so hard they will have to give us inter space travel technology

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by paragon
Indeed they do...they exhibit facial features the same as Earthlings. I have seen their faces express puzzlement, mirth, friendliness, wariness, and they can smile, grimace, and grin just like us. They can say things at times that one might call humorous, abeit in their own strange manner. If they have you in their presence, they seem to have a need to express themselves to you in a way to make you feel they are "one of you" or "with you" so to speak - if that makes any sense. While some are outwardly friendly, others can be standoffish or shy towards you. I've seen their teeth, they have small perfect little teeth. Even though they all seem to look the same at first sight, they are not. One can see slight differences in their faces, and some are a bit taller or shorter. One thing they all do have in common, and is very curious, is an intense expression they exhibit at times without warning, that can be most alarming...and their eyes, which I don't believe I could ever get used to, transfix on you for a few brief seconds...why they do this I don't know!

i would be more interested in how u made contact?
Whats the situation now?
Why dont u take pictures of this amazing event/s

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 12:56 PM
Indeed they do?! Well, it seems so to me... being human (humanoid) you'ed have similar human qualities and traits, no?!

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 12:59 PM
It is not a sense of humor, IMO, but they smile at humans for being to emotional when around them..They are like Dr. Spock, logical but smiles when amused by us..

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by paragon
Indeed they do?! Well, it seems so to me... being human (humanoid) you'ed have similar human qualities and traits, no?!

Are you going to answer Denied's question or not? If not then this post is a waste of space on ATS, imo.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:12 PM
Yeah those star traveling chuckle heads really crack me up.

One of my favorites:

Alien: Knock Knock.

Human: Who's there?

Alien: Probe.

Human: Probe Who?

Alien: You're Probeably not going to like what I'm about to do to you.


Alien: How many humans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Human: I don't know how many?

ALien: I can't believe you stupid monkeys are still using electricity...did I tell you my knock knock joke yet?


posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:19 PM
The reason Human's laugh is part of our evolutionary heritage. One of the first things that a baby does, after vomiting and pooping, is smiles/laughs. This smile/laugh bonds the child to the parent through a chemical called oxytocin that is released in the brain of both parent and child. This chemical strengthens the need for a social bond. If a baby didn't smile or laugh, it is quite possible that the bond with the child would never have been made by our ancestors, and the babies would have been abandoned.

This leads me to believe that if aliens developed the same neurochemistry as humans (which I think is highly unlikely due to how unique we are on our own planet) then they would laugh. If humans were direct descendents of this alien species, then it would stand to reason that we would have similar neurochemical responses.

Laughter is primarily a response to more than just funny situations, but also a means to strengthen social bonds. people will often laugh at things that aren't funny, if there is a social requirement.

[edit on 9-12-2005 by Rasobasi420]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by paragon
Indeed they do...they exhibit facial features the same as Earthlings.

This is the first I have heard of Grey's being described as displaying emotion. Every other experience I've read about describes the beings and not showing emotion.(you are talking about Greys right?)

They can say things at times that one might call humorous, abeit in their own strange manner.

Like what? Please give us an example. We would love to hear an Alien joke.

I've seen their teeth, they have small perfect little teeth. Even though they all seem to look the same at first sight, they are not. One can see slight differences in their faces, and some are a bit taller or shorter. One thing they all do have in common, and is very curious, is an intense expression they exhibit at times without warning, that can be most alarming...and their eyes, which I don't believe I could ever get used to, transfix on you for a few brief seconds...why they do this I don't know!

If you have already posted your experience with these aliens, can you please link me to it?
If not can you go into details here on this thread?

[edit on 9/12/2005 by Umbrax]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:31 PM
...from my own recollections of experiences with encounters I would have to say (see Grays 101 and follow up). I was going to insert a drawing with this, but alas, it is a bit larger than the 1 MB allowed in ATS inserts. and I am not really sure about the mechanics of doing it. One does wish one had a camera when something strange occurs, but even so I'm not so sure "they" would let you take a snap or two, unless you were able to do it without their knowing. They will take something from you...a watch, pin knife, even a coin, check it out and give it back to, but I don't know about a camera! It reminds me of a story I once heard about an intrusive woman who, while in a small cafe in southern L.A. decided to take her camera and from her table, click off a few shots of some Hells Angels sitting at another table not far away. One of them, six foot four and full of muscle, strode over and took the camera, opened it exposing the footage, and then handed it back. the woman and her male companion quickly left. Would "they" react the same...don't know!

[edit on 9-12-2005 by paragon]

[edit on 9-12-2005 by paragon]

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 01:49 PM
To help other ATS members here are paragon's threads where experiences are told.
RE: Lear and others alien agenda stories
The color gray
Gray pilots and their craft

paragon, will you not share an alien joke with us? I'm sure I am not the only one who would like to hear it.

As for your drawing, maybe you can visit It is a service where you can upload your pictures and then it will give you a link so you can post it here.
Your description of the Greys are unlike any other I have read. I'm sure many of us are interested in your picture.

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 11:33 PM
When I said they have a sense of humour, I didn't mean to imply they tell jokes. What I meant was they seem or act funny at times...example, once I was left alone in a room aboard one of their craft and the lights dimmed and went out, it was pitch dark, really dark. I tried to make my way to the entrance feeling with my hands when quite suddenly the light came back on, and there was one of them right in my face...startled I jumped back, and he smiled at me. One time I showed them something out of my pocket and one took it, looked at it, and then he pretended to give it back to me, but pulled his hand away...they all grinned. I guess its called "pimp" the Earthling.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:24 AM
they must have a sense of humour.....they made us didn't they?

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 03:36 PM
assuming alien beeings exhist, they would have to have sense of humour to find Earth interesting... or they are just plain bored.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 05:52 PM
They have a sadistic sense of humor. They take great delight in deceiving, fooling, hurting, destroying, or killing humans. They hate all humans. Their mission is to bring as much misery and destruction to humans as they are able to. Whenver they accomplish this, in any way at all, they are gleeful. If you want to call that a sense of humor, it's one way to look at it.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 07:40 PM
I have to agree with resistance.

Conning our government into decieving it's own people, as well as creating mistrust and angst between the Earth's people and the government over all of these events, well... I would have to think someone up there is laughing their butts off.

And does someone want to explain Pee-Wee Herman to me? Seriously, somebody must've had a sense of humor there when that guy was made... wow.

Just wow.

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 01:22 PM
I believe "Resistance" is buying into a lot of misinformation put out there by government and some layman alike, to have people believe they are
unfriendly beings to be feared (much like they did with the american indians
for example). It's humor, when one hears reports from some fighter jet pilots and high way patrol officers who describe the antics of discs they've chased after as cat and mouse games. If the Grays were evil beings, I for one do not believe they would behave in this fashion. They could easily turn on their antagonist(s) with out of this world weaponery, and there would be no stories to report.

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 02:02 PM
i belive aliens do posses similair qualitys as we do...remeber they did create us in there we would inherit there qualitys right?

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