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Something strange I saw today

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posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 10:18 PM
Howdy folks...

First off, I've never seen anything strange in the sky ( I'm also not a firm beliver of ET's )...untill today.

I was coming home from WallyWorld ( Walmart ), I was travling on Catlettsburg/Cannonsburg road ( I live in Boyd Co KY ).

I topped the hill at the Marsh hill turn off ( folks there was a good snow fall here today, and this is a steep hill )...

Out of the corner of my eye I caught what I will call a pulsating red light, it wasn't flashing like you would see on a plane or helecopter, it just kept getting brighter and dimmer...

At first thought, hey it's a news chopper covering the snow ( but then in the back of my head the red light don't look right )...

I was trying to keep one eye on the road and one eye on this thing, I topped the hill, and saw that this thing had too many lights for a single chopper ( so now I'm thinking WTF what is this two choppers? ). Well as I rounded the bend, and then saw that this thing was one object, because it turned, and I saw it's profile...

Now folks forgive me for my inexperience in Paint Shop, but it looked something like this...

Now folks I'm not a good judge of distance in the sky ( on land yes, in the sky no, no reference markers for me ), but I would estimate it at maybe 1000 feet high, and at a length of maybe 60 to 70 feet...

Now I've got a question...

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

mod edit: reduced image size to restore page format

[edit on 10-12-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 10:37 PM
No, I've never seen nor heard of a boxy dumbell shape. All dumbell-shaped UFOs I've ever heard of were rounded.

A few questions to narrow it down, if you don't mind?

1. Were the lights point sources or did they seem more diffuse?
2. Any sound related to the obect?
3. How long did the sighting last and how did it end?
4. How did the object move? Stationary? Constant motion?

Definitely an interesting sighting, I'll see if I can track down any similiar reports.

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by eaglewingz
No, I've never seen nor heard of a boxy dumbell shape. All dumbell-shaped UFOs I've ever heard of were rounded.

A few questions to narrow it down, if you don't mind?

1. Were the lights point sources or did they seem more diffuse?
2. Any sound related to the obect?
3. How long did the sighting last and how did it end?
4. How did the object move? Stationary? Constant motion?

Definitely an interesting sighting, I'll see if I can track down any similiar reports.

1) The light's were definatley point of source, that's why I thought there were too many lights for a chopper...

2) I did not hear any sound, the windows were up and the heater fan was on so I didn't hear any sound...

3) Lasted about 1 maybe 2 minuets, it ended when I turned onto Terrapin Ridge where I live never saw it again...

4) It moved slowley and was in constant motion...

Honestly I don't know what I saw, it was definatley one object not 2, when it turned I hit the brakes, and almost got rear ended, I wanted to get a better look at this object...

What is was I don't know, never seen anything like it...

And the Paint Shop I did doesn't even begin to do it justice ( just not good at that stuff )...

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 11:10 PM
Altough I can't give you much in the way of info on what you saw, don't disount your artistic representation. You re-created what you saw in picture form, and that is far better than a mere written or oral account.

I'd hang on to that, hit some other sites and share it with folks. You may not be alone, and your picture could end up in a database somewhere for folks to check out.

Nice job and good attention to detail.

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 11:40 PM
Thanks for your comments folks...

But I think from now on I'm gonna keep one eye on the sky, and my hand on a camera...

I don't know what I saw tonight. But I do know I've never seen anything like it before...

G'nite, God bless...

posted on Dec, 8 2005 @ 11:57 PM
Here's a report of a similar object from about 1981.

The object is best described as beeing basically shaped like a dumbell. Each end, front and back, was a cube, the cubes were connected by a rectangular arm. Unlike a dumbbell, the arm did not extend passed the ends of the cubes. The object had no visible lights (it was daytime though, so I wouldn't have seen any but the brightest lights). The object was high enough in the sky that its total length appeared equal to half the diameter of the full moon. The object was uniformly grey. I have always had very good vision and was able to see a certain amount of detail; the cubes had smooth, featureless faces (at least the ones visible at my angle), but the arm appeared to be of a skeletal, framework construction.

Yes, your picture is a good representation. The more I look at it, I seem to remember a similiar picture or case that I had seen long ago, but I've been unable to dredge it up.

...and my hand on a camera...

Yes, I've vowed many times to always carry my vid in the car, and haven't followed through yet. One of these days I'm gonna see something and kick myself

posted on Dec, 9 2005 @ 04:50 PM
Thanks for the report eaglewingz...

It does sound like what I saw, I also might add that the 4 lights accross the top weren't as bright or as big as the 8 on the bottom...

[edit on 9-12-2005 by Jedi_Master]

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