posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 07:00 AM
Is this book and Napa Sentinel the only evidence you have of this underground system? Sure, things like this on a much smaller scale were built by the
US govt. during the Cold War - like that one under that hotel - but a massive underground command and communications complex connected by Mach 2
trains? I'm pretty sure that robots would not be employed to build all of it, so where are the 2, 000 (at the very least) workers that were
assigned to helping out, and building the original base underground locations? And that's not to mention the electricians, plumbers, transport
peoples and wives tales of their husbands disappearing for fortnights on end. Even if they were signed to security disclosure limitation documents,
don't you think that a fair few would have spoken out about this?
Hey, I'm not denouncing you, I would seriously love something like this to be proved beyond a doubt, it's just that I wouldn't trust a book (no
matter how well researched they seem to be) and this 'Napa' site.
Good post, through.