posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 12:03 PM
American values of rational thought are being
undermined by religious fundamentalism. This link points up a small example of the clarion call to stop the denigration of science in the US.
Recent years' policies plainly show
the current administration's hostility to science in favor
of pandering to Christian fundamentalists. In fact, the news is full of examples of the president's deference to religiousity at the expense
of science and anti-science sentiment of other administrators.
This is from the man who led America into a very expensive and completely unnecessary war based upon messages from "god." His
beliefs, not
rational thought, are the reason for that quagmire and the bankrupting of the US by his borrowing more money than all previous presidents
combined. But he is merely a tool of Christian religionists, who seek the ultimate drug of power. Because they saw America falling away from
their grasp, they installed an executive who could be easily manipulated by simple-minded religious commands. Perhaps he even attended mind-control
sessions of the "Promise Keepers."
Little has done more to push me away from Christianity than the president and his government. While I was raised with Midwestern Christian beliefs
(and even served as a deacon at a First Presbyterian Church), recent years' governance has given me ample reason to utterly reject those "values."
Due to such values including the death of common sense and of reason, there is no compromise for me with them. They, the Christian Right, want free
thought extinguished so that control is easier based upon their narrow, biblical interpretations. Of course, the anti-evolution stance is one flag
around which they cluster but they also de-fund science at every opportunity.
"Christianic" propoganda flows like water throughout the US. Even email burgeons with usually insipid messages. While I want to believe in Jesus,
such propoganistic machinations make it difficult. Then combined with moronic rantings of such "luminaries" as Pat Robertson and Ann Coulter, any
faith I may muster is erased.
The US is in danger of losing the edge that science has historically given to the "land of the free." Perhaps that will be outsourced along with
all the other jobs gone overseas. Future scientific and thus technological progress in America is dubious, given current policies and propoganda.
Wake up people, how can you believe in a God that would give you such resources as intellect, observation and reasoning without giving you the freedom
to exercize of such abilities?