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small bump behind your right ear?

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posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:33 PM
I have had the same issue for 9 years.

I actually did a lot of research and tried lots of both homeopathic and conventional medicine.

I have started Lymphomyosot 2 months ago and it is the only thing that worked for me and it worked wonders. It is homeopathic and you do not need subscription.

Lymphomyosot is our popular lymphatic remedy, now in a liquid or pills. Lymphomyosot offers support when working with glandular health concerns. Lymphomyosot is a wonderful support for the lymphatic system. Lymphomyosot is a synergistic blend and can be used for a variety of sluggish conditions and glandular dysfunction.
Lymphomyosot is useful when cleansing and detoxing the body. Use Lymphomyosot for remove toxicity, edema, and infections. Lymphomyosot is gentle, yet highly effective for swollen glands. Anti Inflammatory.
Lymphomyosot helps cleanse the system and improve eczema, acne, and other skin conditions.
Supporting the lymphatic system with Lymphomyosot system helps with glandular swelling, tonsillitis, mumps, and sore throats.
Lymphomyosot speeds recovery from colds, flu, bronchitis, infections, illness after weather change, etc.

"Regarding the Lymphomyosot, everyone I have shared this with, including myself, have marveled at how quickly and how well Lymphomyosot works to knock out a cough, cold and/or flu symptoms" Peggy T. SC. (This is absolutely true as I took 3 pills a day and in 5 days I had amazing results ...Cristina)

Lymphomyosot is a supportive blend offering a synergistic effect that is greater than the individual effect of a remedy to offer more complete support of the lymph system:

Geranium Robertianum 4X is used relieve ulcerations, hemorrhages, uropathy, diarrhea.
Ferrum Iod 12X relieves edemas, glandular enlargement, and emaciation.
Juglans Regia 3X is helpful for acne and other skin conditions, sharp occipital pain.
Scrophularia Nodosa 3X relief for swollen lymphatic glands, eczema of ear.
Myosotis Arvensis 3X used to reduce excess mucus, bronchial cough, gagging and vomiting with cough, chronic bronchitis.
Teucrium Scorodonia 3X relieves chronic rhinitis & bronchitis-helpful for Bronchial catarrhs.
Veronica Beccabunga 3X relieves chronic bronchitis and dermatosis, pruritus.
Equisetum Hyemale 4X is beneficial for urinary system functions, such as sharp burning pain in urethra while urinating.
Fumaria Officinalis 4X prevents toxicity; helps with blood purification; improved liver function; eczemas, hepatic disorders.
Natrum Sulphur 4X helps with constitutional improvement, water retention, asthma; symptoms worse in rainy weather.
Pinus Sylvestris 4X helps with emaciation; swelling of the body or mucus membranes, stiffness, cramps in calves.
Gentiana Lutea 5X a general health tonic; balances appetite, ravenous hunger, helps with poor appetite, nausea, stomach ache.
Aranea Diadema 6X is useful for sensitivity to weather changes, diarrhea.
Sarsaparilla 6X relieves urinary pain, gallstones, colic with backache, cystitis.
Calcarea Phos 12X is helpful for anemia, joint stiffness & pain worse with weather changes.
Thyroidinum 12X balances metabolism, promotes oxidation.
Nasturtium Aquaticum 4X benefits Liver and bladder conditions, gastric conditions, stomatitis.

This is a link to every substance contained in Lymphomyosot :

Aranea Diadema:

Calcarea Phosphorica:

Equisetum Hyemale:

Ferrum Iodatum:

Fumaria Officinalis:

Gentiana Lutea:

Geranium Robertianum:

Juglans Regia:


Scrofularia Nodosa:

Teucrium Scrodonia:

Veronica Beccabunga:

Natrum Sulphuricum:

Pynus Sylvestris:


Calcarea Phosphorica:

posted on Jul, 13 2013 @ 02:35 PM
Nasturtium Aquaticum:
Lymphomyosot, a complex nutural detoxifier drug, providing the effective detoxication of extracellular matrix via lymphatic system. As a huge amount of immunocompetent cells are located in the lymphatic system are, regulation of their immune responses by Lymphomyosot is very the essence of the treatment applicable to different chronic pathologies.

Effectiveness of Lypmhomyosot was studied by regulatory capacity of the cells bioviability (MTT test) immunological activity (cytokine expression, respiratory burst) and of mytogene-induced apoptosis intensity of Jurkat cells. Lymphomyosot shows antioxidant effect and dose-dependent immunomodulatory activity. Lymphomyosot, as anti-inflammatory, recovering agent is effective for profilactic aims.

This is a person that blogged over 200 days while taking this .

"For a while now, I've been dealing with an awful problem: the pain on the inside of my right knee is excruciating. I can't really describe how it's not in or around the knee cap, more like on the inside of my leg. Kind of where number 4 is on the diagram below, but lower and inside further (if my legs were together, the dots would be touching). Image002

It's so intense, I can't squat or get up without assistance (kind of like someone has my knee in a vice). It also profoundly impacts the way that I walk (like a 90-year old). Many days it has reduced me to tears.

When I told my doctor about the problem (who's also a Naturopath), he got really excited.

"Lymphomyosot," he practically shouted from his chair.

"Lymph-o-what?" I answered.

He then went on to tell me how the pain is caused by inflammation, how my body is having difficulties processing toxins, how this will help get the Lymphatic system going again, and on and on and on.

According to a research study I found, he's right. "Patients treated with Lymphomyosot suffer from very different types of inflammatory or infectious conditions and the diagnoses tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, lym-phadenitis and non-specific infections." Out of 3,512 patients, "good and very good therapeutic success were achieved in the great majority of cases."

Hopeful, I took a dose Tuesday night, another Wednesday am, and another this morning (convenient and undetectable in a glass of water). The results have been nothing less than miraculous. It is easily the most effective, most amazing, most helpful treatment I've had to date.*"

More info here:

Journal of Natural Medicine Research paper on over 3000 patients :

Another research paper related to effects of Lymphomyosot regarding Diabetes:

Hope this will helps!

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