posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 10:20 AM
Maybe it was luck, maybe it wasn't. A couple weeks ago I was playing Texas Hold'em with some friends, had a few drinks. I would consider myself
barely drunk at that point.
Anyways for those of you who are familiar with the game, i guessed the "river" card 3 times throughout the night (the only 3 times i tried).
The card would be sitting alone on the table face down. I would just stare at it, and block out everything else around me, and clear my mind.
Everytime I tried to see the card, i got it right. The only thing i didn't get right was the exact suit. I would always get the number/face correct,
as well as the color (black, red) But didn't nail it down to the suit. It was at 3 random times during the night when i was still in the hand agianst
someone. What happened here, was it just three lucky guesses??