posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 07:28 PM
i gotta scratch my head on this one...
because, as i recall, it was the Christian G-d who came upon 'Paul'
(on the road to Damascus) a blinding/overwhelming Light either the Muslim President of Iran is being contacted by the Christian G*d, as the 'Light' tactic is known to be in His repitore.
..or else Islams' Allah has found it useful to employ the
'bathed in a supernatural-light' phenomena with Irans' President.
On the other hand, the 'Light' experience need not have originated from either Deity..,
As it could well be, that the hopes & good-will of the Diplomats and Ambassadors was so overpowering that Mr Presidents 'Aura' got really charged
up, and he was looking through his bright aura at the audience.
There is really no way of knowing if this event portends something
'good' or 'not-so-good' in the worlds future........