posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 08:48 PM
Thanks for this threat. Just going through a few old ones…
If you carefully analyse what Schneider and Cooper both have to say (in all of their work), even alien conspiracies ASIDE, the similarities are
incredible. Remembering that most of this information had never been heard of in the early to mid 1990’s when their videos were made.
Both were prepared to die for the love of the US and risked their lives doing so.
said Oklahoma: inside job
said WTC bombing (1993) inside job
said Waco inside job
said AIDS: man made along with other ‘designer’ drugs
said NWO is coming
talked about population reduction
talked about gun control and the intention of the founding fathers.
talked about the erosion of Constitution and Bill of Rights
talked about FEMA prison (concentration) camps, slave labour,
talked about enslavement (and control) of the masses
talked about US/Soviet bogus cold war and space programs
talked about Weather technology manipulation
talked about Aurora, stealth fighter etc
talked about CIA control drugs and using profits for black operations
talked about suppression of technology
spent lots of time and money trying to get this info out.
had many attempts on their lives
are now dead
plus more: this is not an exhaustive list.
Plus ET similarities:
Area 51, groom lake,
ET’s been here or visiting for thousands of years, mainly underground
Face on Mars, civilization on Mars, moon mining
Abductions, mutilations
Human/alien treaty
Recovered craft, aliens
Back engineered technology
Ufo sighting around nuclear facilities/ testing
Etc, etc etc
-Spoke about ‘Star Wars’ defense program but had different views of its purpose
-Cooper initially believed that Bob Lazar was genuine but changed his mind later when he thought he was a CIA agent (or infiltrated by). Schneider
said Lazar was genuine (but may not have looked into his claims in too much detail since he already knew the ‘truth’.). Cooper also talked of the
Alien/Human firefight in 1969 not 1979 as claimed by Schneider.
Later on Cooper claimed that there were no ET’s but it was really a plan hatched to bring about the NWO. However, certain discrepancies lead me to
believe this is not entirely true such as ancient artifacts and legends etc, assassination attempts during his UFO research, and the fact that he
claims these documents were shown to him in the military in the HOPE he would come out and expose the ‘truth’ one day (yeah right!). If these
documents were indeed false, then were all other documents such as JFK assassination also bogus too since after all he was going to expose the truth
one day. Would Navy Intel really hire someone they wouldn’t trust? I think this was a clever contingency plan hatched by Cooper so he could not be
trampled by the massive UFO disinformation campaign waged against him. So suddenly ET’s don’t exist (very convenient Bill) but the NWO certainly
does and is much more ‘provable’. Besides, the government has certainly made a concerted effort in making sure that anyone who believes in UFO is
deemed to be crazy. Cooper claims to have seen a UFO the size of an aircraft carrier enter and exit the ocean in the 1970’s so he is aware that the
technology does indeed exist. Whether we received technology from ET’s one cannot be sure, but one can almost be certain that technologies that
would probably be beneficial to this world have been suppressed for decades.
Probably a couple more discrepancies but certainly none obvious. The similarities between these two men’s views are astounding. Either this info is
true or they were both working for the same agency or working from the same script, or Schneider was copying everything Cooper had to say. I believe
they were genuine however. Besides both are now dead.
They both could be wrong but nevertheless, both have fascinating stories to tell.