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Jon Rappoport

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posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 08:44 PM
The man is incredible and has done a lot of investigative work in the realm of secret societies. I enjoy reading at his site daily. Here is an excerpt about free energy.

SEPTEMBER 22. There are various emerging threats to the global elite�s plan to run the planet like an ant farm.

Perhaps the greatest of these threats is the dawning realization that a number of forms of alternative energy are available, if commercialized.

But this must be seen in a still-wider context. Analogy:

Imagine that, in an agricultural area, there are 1000 farmers who grow food crops. And of these, there are eight who truly dominate the scene with large holdings.

One day, a small farmer, who has been tinkering with varieties of apple trees, cross-breeds three types and comes up with a tree that is hardy, prolific, and produces an apple that satisfies ALL the nutritional needs of the human being.

This visionary farmer prepares to sell small seedlings of this tree for pennies, to anyone.

In other words, he is about to stage a revolution on a scale never before seen.

He doe not want to patent the tree or hold it as a monopoly. He�s perfectly satisfied to allow any farmer to grow seedlings and sell them.

The effect would be overwhelming to the marketplace.

And yet the benefits would be supreme. Starvation and hunger would immediately become a thing of the past. Food and nutrition would be as easy to tune in as an FM station on your radio dial.

Good food would, overnight, become a given for ALL

Suddenly, every person who, for any reason, believes in scarcity as a fundamental fact of life would be contradicted down to the bottom of his soul.

And that is precisely the situation we find ourselves in, vis-a-vis energy.

Can you grasp the amount of resistance, on all levels, that such abundance would generate?

And yet, the very freedom we all declare we believe in set the stage for individual inventors who had the latitude to discover this energy wealth.

One could say that this is the expected end result of such freedom.

Is it any wonder that, covertly, and with great waves of propaganda, various elites have been claiming that freedom is the very thing that allows individuals and corporations to ruin the Earth we live on?

We are at the crossroads.

Last Thursday night, after I appeared on Coast to Coast AM, with George Noory, speaking about energy scandals and the suppression of alternative energy, and after listeners on 500 US stations heard the program and countless others listened on the internet, I was flooded with hits on this site. I believe the reason is clear: people KNOW what the situation is. They KNOW we are in a position to provide, for pennies, energy to everyone on the planet. They KNOW what this means to the whole shattered paradigm of scarcity and wars fought over control of what appears to be scarce energy resources.

They KNOW the game is over. Or could be over, if we can cut through the lies.

To all those who feel, in any form, that some �revelation is at hand,� I say: you�re right. It�s exactly the revelation that Bucky Fuller announced many years ago, and it�s already in our minds. It�s been there for awhile.

But we feel that revelation is a taboo. When you bring it up, people turn away and say it�s a fantasy, the world doesn�t work that way.
What I discussed on the Noory show, and what I�ve been writing about on this site for a few years, is WHY it doesn�t work that way: because most people have bought into the big propaganda lie.

THEY (the elites---The British Roundtable, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc.) know how to play the game. THEY know that people must be trained to believe that there is not enough to go around.

Behind that lie, a surprising number of people will even buy into depopulation as a solution.

I�m frankly astonished that �the energy professionals� persist in thinking that alternative energies are not cost-effective. This, in the face of the fact that the most expensive energy system ever devised----nuclear power---was synthetically created from the ground up with government money. From R&D to prototypes to construction to supply centers, the nuclear infrastructure has cost so much tax money I doubt anyone can tally it all up.

The Steve Bechtels and George Shultzes of this world became masters at worming billions out of governments to make nuclear energy a fact of life.

If you want just a peek at their maneuvers, read a history of the actions of the Export-Import Bank.

Cold fusion, hydrogen, Davis turbines, new and improved solar---the planet is brimming with alternative solutions. Right now.

The Noory show last Thursday and its aftermath proved to me that untold numbers of people are ready for the shift. The big shift. It isn�t just a few of us.

Cynicism is easy. You grow a shell and then you grow another shell on top of it. You envisage doom. You pretend there are no roads out of the trap.

Do you know what globalism really stands for? NO TRUE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS.

What better way to name that movement than with a title that suggests elite-driven answers are there for all of us.

The reverse is true.

Just as pioneers with a fierce ambition once stood on the brink of convincing the world that oil could launch the planet into a new age, we now are on that brink again. Only this time, we have energy sources that dwarf what the oil barons imagined in their dreams.

And the elites know it. They have known it since 1940. Earlier, perhaps.

And so they made a choice. Hypnotize the planet into thinking that there is not enough for everyone, there will never be enough for everyone.

They played that card. They used trumped-up �information� as the basis of a mind-control operation that is still very much with us.

Don�t languish in their hypnotic swamp. Break out. Carry the truth. Make it spread. Like water, send it out and it will find people who desperately want to drink it.

Eventually, even the �great intellects� of our time will drink. They will decide that the world they imagine and build in their own minds, a world of irony and self-reflexive limitation, is a paper mansion. They will walk out the door and thank their lucky stars that they woke up from the nightmare.

Wars are tricks staged to confirm our worst fears. To keep us bound in the grand illusion.

What do sheep look like when they awaken and go on the move?

Do androids dream of electric sheep? They do. And they think electricity is derived from the little gods of the One Scarce of Energy.

When the dream is corrected, the androids see through new eyes and discard their old identities.

The dam is breaking.


posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 08:50 PM
Good stuff.
Thanks for Sharing.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 09:15 PM
Just so everybody knows here is Jon's website

posted on Sep, 23 2003 @ 03:10 AM
There is something that you should know about this subject:

energy is one of the last very large and very profitable industries in the world not controlled entirely by jewish interests.

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