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Action Not Words

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posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 02:00 PM
I can understand why it is important to talk about every thing but nothing seams to get done, i mean countless time i have read "lets rise up" or "lets start a resistance" but nothing ever seam to come of it i think it's about time we started one for real thats not going to die out by tomorow.

Whos with me?

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 02:07 PM
Admin Edit:

The "Councilor" meant to say.... "Welcome Aboard!"

[edit on 11-26-2005 by Springer]

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 02:08 PM
There's a small problem with what you propose. When people hear "action, not words" they have a large tendency to pick up a rock, or a chain, or worse, a handgun, & this isn't what we as a United People need to do. We need to unite, together outside of the influences of societies controls, the government, the church, you name it. Martin Luther King JR tried to do this, & look what they did, they got an ignorant redneck to either kill him, or play patsy to the event & take him out.

It will take action, through words, someone to stand up & call the corruptors corrupt, to point to the flaws in the sytem, to stand bravely against the masses & point the people in the right direction.


posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 02:18 PM
"When people hear "action, not words" they have a large tendency to pick up a rock, or a chain, or worse, a handgun, & this isn't what we as a United People need to do."

So what do you suggest we do just say "please dont kill us can you just give up and let us tkae back our lives" no offence intended but do you really think they will listan your idea is good and maby it would have worked 50-60 years ago when there were chance to change how people thought but now if you speek out you are ignored and labled a terroist.

posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 02:24 PM
That was My point exactly. You will be labeled as a terrorist, if you pick up a gun, pick up a rock, or stage a protest rally.

The government is slowly stealing away the Constitution from us, backing us slowly into a corner. You must first rise above your ingrained ignorances, & learn to deal with life in a civil manner. Then you have to learn how to teach others to do the same. Then you need to teach those people to turn around & do the same.

Then you must push those people to push more people into opening their eyes, to not just listen, but to comprehend, & decipher the difference between "Patriotism" & "Blind Stupidity".

Read some of My other replies to peoples post on here & you will see more details. I will start making some of My own posts soon.


posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 02:32 PM
I know what you are saying and understand it but it's quite possible that we havent got the time for that if we did anything it would be buried under tones of paper work and by the time anyone of any importance see's it there will be a tank rolling down your street.

And it is easy to say teach others to do the same but how hard would it be to belive it if you havent ever heard about it befor

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 04:19 AM
Guns,chains,bombs hostile takover.

The question is this when your government continues to take more and more and bounce around within a system that allows them to get away with what they have done. What do you do?

Do you think a cardboard sign on the side of the road with twenty people will help?...nope

What about if we start a riot...nope

When it gets bad enough so the numbers are more than a few people on a message board it will happen. Plus a certain something needs to be exposed first. As the greater amount of people have no true idea about anything except what the media states which is back and forth anyway on any negative issue.


posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 05:49 AM
Yeah i agree theres power in numbers, thats why i said we need to start working and giving people the chance to join and be lead so then there is a few more people then thos who are reading this now.

[edit on 26-11-2005 by NFC]

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 06:23 AM

I can understand why it is important to talk about every thing but nothing seams to get done, i mean countless time i have read "lets rise up" or "lets start a resistance" but nothing ever seam to come of it i think it's about time we started one for real thats not going to die out by tomorow.

Whos with me?

Cause you are trying to fight something that might not exists. I can recall countless threads in the NWO section about resistance, one even called for the targetting of NWO agents. If you start an "NWO milita group" expect yourself to be banned from ATS and get a knock at your door from CIA, etc cause you will be labelled a terrorist.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 02:09 AM
see to talk is good for without knoledge there is no room for wisdom the fight now is within ourselves.we can only truly change how we feel and do things and guide others by our own actions.words when used properly and
placed withen the right frame of mind can shape our entire way of living.
also such things as understanding take much time.So the more people talk
the more people come succeptable to these ideas.i believe that the fabled emotion(fear)has much to do with resistance to understanding the situation at hand.

posted on Dec, 11 2005 @ 05:08 AM
The UN is a good example of a "New World Order." To me its just a term that is used as the face of the earth and the political situations change drastically. Like at the end of WW2, that was a new world order, Europe was divided, the middle easts borders redrawn ect. But back to the UN, the UN actually wants to implement a global gun ban, over every country. To me this is scary, the first thing a government will do before a hostile takeover is take the guns away.

‘‘To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.’’ ~ George Mason

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 03:45 PM
we should at least make a system of safe havens or a sort of "underground railroad" so that when the # hits the fan were somewhat safer

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