posted on Nov, 29 2005 @ 07:24 AM
I feel I have to appologize for breaching decorum, and calling all posters, who were posting before my last post here, and who applauded the US
insurgent move into Syria territory, Bloodthirsty Rednecks.
I do in fact not know these people, and they could turn out to be quite nice people in real life. I hope so, in fact.
We all, whatever site of the deviding political lines, get more and more upset lately, by the events in the Middle East.
I got carried away by reading the story about those (supposed)-mercenairies, who (supposedly)-randomly shoot (supposedly)-innocent Iraqi's on the
And then I arrived here, and got the impression that those posters had forgotten what the value of human life meant.
But we were talking here about a different subject, occupying army fighting liberation army. Which is ofcourse not your point of view. Sadly so.
Let's hope everybody can come closer soon, to a more moderate middle field, where it isn't felt necessairy to let some degenerates slaughter
totally innocent people. Whoever they were, whatever side they "fight" for, these shooters are degenerated beyond humanity.
Let the fighting be done by those who are trained to do that.
Even better, let all these wars end, and lets get rid of greed.
And then, at last, get the time and opportunity to evolve into the inherent good people we all are, when we are born.
And not get brainwashed anymore.