posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 02:42 PM
Everyone has them. Some of them get downright crazy. My most recent one had the world in different state. Technology had to compete with religion as
now everyone has some form of mental powers. Some are able to physically move from one location to another by willing it. Technology was struggling
because how could it compete with something that requires nothing? Gone was the need for fuel as you could materialize in your desired location. I for
some reason had stumbled upon a plan that some of the big business corporates were studying on how these powers manifets and how to quell them. My
main power was being able to spy in dreams which i find strange being that I've told people about their dreams before. It did bring up a thought
about a movie I watched long ago called dreamscape. Spies were secretly entering peoples dreams and killing them. But anyways I thought some of you
peeps might enjoy the freakishly weird dream I had. U2U me if you want to hear any of my other.. I have so many of them