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CNN has a bug

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posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 06:22 AM

Most of you know about the X covering Dick Cheney at CNN. I dont think it was any bug at all.
I think whoever did it couldnt help him/herself.

My problem is, why say it was a bug? We have freedom of speech and expression and i dont see why anyone would try to cover something like this up.

I think it was put there on purpose and it was all in fun. I suppose the execs didnt think it funny, but i suppose what i am trying to say, is we Americans should lighten up and try to go back to the days when something like this would have been thought of as "fun" and not disrespectful.

Why has this government made everyone so uptight?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
but i suppose what i am trying to say, is we Americans should lighten up and try to go back to the days when something like this would have been thought of as "fun" and not disrespectful.

Why has this government made everyone so uptight?

I couldn't have put it better myself. Everyone sems so shocked by it, but its live tv folks, stuff happens imo. If it was juts someone wanting to make a statement, there is nothing any network can do about that kind of human error, and they certainly cant do anything about people 'accidently' hitting switches too.

I'm more shocked FOX NEWS made such a big deal out of it. As a television network they should know better as they have had their share of live-tv-screwups. But i guess they just wanted a chance to pound the CNN reputation and get whatever ratings points they could.

For those that don't know, the "X" is used in control rooms to represent the 'behind layer shot' on a display screen. One button is all it takes.. its not a big deal.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 06:45 AM
It wasn't a bug.
It was intentional. IMO

But not sanctioned by CNN..
Someone will be fired. betcha..a peon.

I really think someone was messing around, never thinking that many people would notice. (CNN viewership is down you know..LOL)

DG, you're pretty accurate about people being uptight.
I think there has been an arms race in uptightness though.
Both sides need to give it a rest. Bickering is not efficient!

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:06 AM
Uptightness is a two way street. I do believe that this administration in particular has gone overboard. Is it the war? We've had war before and i dont think people were as uptight.
No, the uptightness is coming from the ghouls at the white house, imo.

The laughter is gone.
Tricky Dicky (Richard Millhouse Nixon) gave us plenty of laughs...Oh those were the days...

Sure, "liberals" are uptight too. When you have the Pat Robertsons of the world come out and spill their sweet nothings
we are up in arms...

I say lets chill. I call for the big chill.

To be cool, to embrace fun, to critisize is what America the Great is all about.


posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by ekul08
I'm more shocked FOX NEWS made such a big deal out of it.

Why? If FOX News had intentionally put a big X over Hillary
during a major speach ... put it over her over and over and over
in a typical subliminal effect ... you betchya CNN would be having
a fit and so would 75% of the people on this board.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:03 AM

I need to interject here and tell you, for those of us who have a sense of humor (i believe that is a Liberal trait
) I would laugh at pictures of Hillarys ankles, Hillary in a swimsuit, Bill Clinton doing God knows what..Just because i am a Democrat doesnt mean that i have lost my sense of humor....All i am is an open minded, fun loving, American, who beleive that Political Sataire is fun. No matter who it is.

"Conservatives" (I still would like to know exactly what that word means to todays generation) lack a sense of humor and that is too bad. America is based on truth, opinions, satire,freedom of speech and expression..

Its time to get back to the days of old when pot shots at the president and vice president were funny...even to the White House.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:42 AM
Hello dgtempe and others

I read about this "X" story on Rense website. But i can't find the dedicated thread on ATS. Do anyone have a link to it, as well as a link to download or see the CNN video footage of this weird event ?

Thank you

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:45 AM
Musclor, there's more on this story here:

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Musclor, there's more on this story here:

Thank you djohnsto77

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 08:59 AM
At the risk of looking fuddy-duddy, I say that this stunt is more appropriate for the Daily Show than it is for CNN News. It all has to do with the target audience. People "shop" in different places for different things.

For example, hearing a sawdust-floor bartender rip a good one deserves a chuckle. Hearing your minister or doctor do the same does not.


posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 09:42 AM
Jsobecky, i like your analogy
The human body can let go on the worse occasions, i agree

Hey, things happen. Why is it an insult to have an x over Cheney? It is an insult because he is not liked. If you saw an x on sister Theresa (God rest her soul) you would think this was a freak accident. Nobody would think twice about it. After all, the woman did nothing but good in her lifetime.

See what i mean?

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 10:59 AM
I think it goes to credibility. Anyone with half a brain knows that CNN is at best, left wing biased, and at worst a terrorist propoganda network. Thing is, that is fine in a society where we have free speech. The problem is they won't admit to it. They lie and try to say they are unbiased. Things like this just illustrate their slant that they keep trying to deny.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 12:03 PM

People have made an entire movie about supposed conservative bias at FOX, Outfoxed (lying and twisting the truth all the way through it)...they don't have a sense of humor. Believe if me, if this happened to a Democrat on FOX, the howls coming from the left would be deafening.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 12:18 PM
Really does it matter what they did to Dick? Typical republican mentality, they see the country going to hell yet still defend the corrupt losers till their dieing breath instead of admitting they were wrong. Dam fools they go vote for Dole because Clinton is draft dodger and then go to the Polls and elected two draft dodgers that make a mess out of our country. They should have used an upside down cross on Dick’s face instead of an X. As far as Hilary goes they could have done it to her most Democrats wouldn't care why because Democrats liberals are free thinkers and most don't love her like you ditto heads think.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 01:47 PM

from dg If you saw an x on sister Theresa (God rest her soul) you would think this was a freak accident.

Sister Theresa, dg? Most of us have to call her Mother Theresa!

No wonder you can be so cavalier about this - you have friends in high places!

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 07:14 PM
Ok, Jsobecky, MOTHER

whatever, i think you get my point.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friend. You love me, i know you do.

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