posted on Nov, 25 2005 @ 03:18 PM
I agree with ANOK's first post especially.. also Jackomo's post.
I think that when Fox news began it was a definite alternative to the standards which were in existance at that time.
What the major television and radio outlets found out was that the public were not as liberal as they would like to groom them to be by opinion
molding techniques...polls,...editorials,public education et al. Fox news format appealed to them very much.
However ...since that time I think alot more people have caught on to and become disgusted with the left/right dichomoty as the control device that
it is. Many of these people are begining to look to the internet for their news and information.
I myself did not find that story coming out of Aruba to be front page news ..especially for so long.
Same with the Terry Shivo story nor the Scott Peterson story.
I am not trying to down play thier stories as not tragic..I just dont think it was front page news. Now days when I see stories like this ..Aruba
story or the others I quickly ask myself what is the position and motives of the editors of these networks that they must endlessly try to bombard us
with this stuff. What are their motives for trying to put and keep us on such as string.
I myself tire of Hannity and that format. Also tired of the other networks.
I actually spend more time here that in front of the boob tube. I also have become very skeptical of polls...from any source. To me they are for the
purpose of molding opinion ..not reporting what people think.
As to the average age of the American viewer being 16..I tend to agree..especially emotionally. The networks and politicians/educators know this
about the public. However the problem the networks are coming to grips with is that with the internet ...they are losing control of this 16 year olde
emotional string. Also a aging section of the populace does not lend itself to this type of control as was done in the past. People get wise sooner or
later with alternatives to canned thinking.